How to get rid of cellulite at home

How to get rid of cellulite at home

Now Cellulite suffers about 80% of women. His appearance is due to hormone estrogen, the men's content of this hormone in the body is extremely small, so the strong floor does not know such a problem as cellulite.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is a skin peculiarity, namely: a decrease in its tone, the appearance of declarations, deposition of excess subcutaneous fat. Cellulite occurs in women most often on the hips, on the buttocks and on the legs. Visually leather affected by cellulite looks extremely not aesthetic: like a buggy surface or orange peel. It is caused by poor blood circulation and lymph, as well as water content in subcutaneous tissue.
This ailion may appear may even have 13-year-old girls if they lead the wrong lifestyle.
5 causes of cellulite:

  • Incorrect meals, consumption of oily food.
  • Use of a small amount of water (per day for a normal body balance, a person needs to drink 2 liters of pure water).
  • Little-moving, sedentary lifestyle.
  • Heredity.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.

How to get rid of cellulite at home

Method 1: Physical Load

Squats - almost the most effective method of combating cellulite. It is better to start physical activity, naturally, in the morning. If you want to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat with legs, you should make deep squats with a heavy cargo, for example, from dumbbells. If you have no special fitness dumbbell at home, you can dial in a bottle of sand or water. If cellulite attacked your buttocks, then quiet at right angles.

Start with several approaches 10 times. Do not despair if you have a small amount of squats, you will get used to over time.


  • Legs on the width shoulders.
  • Hands on the belt.
  • Heels do not tear away from the floor.

Method 2: Anti-cellulite cream

Now there are many creams on the market that promise to adjust the figure, and their composition pleases - the manufacturers began to use more and more natural components. You can purchase lifting cream together with the corrective gel for the shower so that the effect is well the exact one.

When you take a shower with a special gel, do not forget to massage the problem areas with a special massager or soft and mild stock. Next to the dry body, apply gel with massage movements. Some creams have a warming effect.

In general, such funds will not help you get rid of all cellulite immediately, and they are suitable only for the very initial stage of this disease. But special creams make the skin more elastic and smooth.

Method 3: Wrapping with genuine clay

Clay is a natural substance that due to its composition fights well with cellulite. It is sold in a box, inside which natural powder. It is worth such pleasure inexpensive - no more than 50 rubles, and you can buy it in a pharmacy or in a shop with cosmetics.

  • Squeeze 4 tablespoons of clay powder into the cup and dilute with warm water. Add water to slightly: our clay must be as a state of similar to the sour cream.
  • Stir the resulting mixture with a good stick so that there are no lumps.
  • Apply clay on problem areas and wrap their food film.
  • Go to the film for several hours, then rinse the clay with warm water and apply a moisturizing cream on the skin.
  • Repeat the procedure follows 2 times a week.
  • For greater efficiency, you can add a few drops of essential orange or grapefruit oil to Cashitz.

Method 4: Homemade Scrubs

Many women are verified that natural folk remedies help in combating cellulite no worse than professional cosmetics. You can easily prepare a coffee scrub for whom you will need:

  • Natural ground coffee.
  • Sea salt.
  • Little olive oil.

Scrub should be applied after sprinkling the skin, for example, after a warm bath or soul. Mass circular motion problem areas for a few minutes. This procedure enhances blood circulation and besides, very pleasant.

Fighting cellulite - very long. Unfortunately, with the help of proven methods, it is not possible to achieve the result. Only in a couple of months you can notice the improvement of the skin. The main thing is not to be lazy, eat useful food and move more. All the ways outlined in this article are good, but it is better to use them all together, and not alone.

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