Laminaria for wrapping how to use

Laminaria for wrapping how to use

In modern cosmetology, one of the most sought-after procedures is laminating laminaria (also known as "sea cabbage"). This type of algae is a biologically active substance, as it affects the deep subcutaneous processes and cells, improving these metabolism, as well as fueling the body with the necessary vitamins.

Preparation of laminaria to use

Before the procedure, leaf laminaria must be soaked in water. To wrapping the body, you will need 500-650 grams of laminaria to soak in 5-6 liters of water. Its temperature will depend on the type of wrapping:

  • With hot (enhanced penetration of substances in the skin) - hold in water for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 50-70 degrees. It is extremely undesirable to keep at high temperatures, since the beneficial properties are lost.
  • With a cold form (improvement of blood circulation) - hold 1-1.5 hours in water temperature.

There are two types of algae that are used when wrapping:

  • solid layers of laminaria;
  • Dried and crushed in powder laminaria (micronized algae).

The process of wrapping with solid leafs of laminaria

If your goal - weight loss, the results will be, if you strictly follow the schedule of courses, and they consist of at least ten sessions. For each such course is required not less than four kilograms of algae. Before the procedure, you should clean the skin scrub oil. Body designed such salt cream-scrubs as "Ficus" and "Kelp". They will accelerate blood circulation and faster withdraw toxins, relieve edema. Already in the body prepared for the procedure are put compresses the processed algae. Wrap yourself around a polyethylene plastic wrap. Treatment lasts about 1-1.5 hours. The face remains untouched. The time limit for the procedure, allow yourself to relax and unwind. At the end, remove algae, take a warm shower and strike the skin anti-cellulite cream.

Micronized algae wrap

treatment stages:

  • take 160-170 grams laminaria powder;
  • soak it in water at a temperature of 50-65 degrees, considering a relationship: four parts water to one part of the powder;
  • pour into water a powder slowly while stirring and rubbing all lumps;
  • thoroughly for 1-3 minutes, stir the resulting slurry;
  • leave the mixture, allow it to swell;
  • the use of kelp will be ready in 20 to 25 minutes.

Contraindications for procedure

First of all, make sure you are not allergic to any component, especially iodine. Not allowed to be used as wraps for pregnant women, people with diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and blood vessels, cancer patients. It is forbidden to be wrapped with microtrauma, open cuts or burns. Therapy is not done immediately after hair removal. Fever, malaise and should alert when wound.

Laminar procedure - a recognized method of struggle against excess weight, they will help you smoothly and without complications narrow capillaries, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, eliminate toxins. Therapy copes with stretch marks, tightens the skin, helps to speed up recovery.

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