Wrapping with caffeine

Wrapping with caffeine

With the problem of cellulite, any woman faces sooner or later. And on the struggle with the "orange crust" women throw all their strength. However, it is not so easy to defeat hypertrophy of adipose tissue. Strengthened physical training, vacuum massages, dietary food, all kinds of cosmetic procedures - everything goes into the course, take a lot of strength, tools and time. Caffeine wraps is a tool that is more actively struggling with hated cellulite. In almost any cosmetic tool from cellulite caffeine, there is a composition, as it eliminates stagnant phenomena in the body.

Properties of caffeine

In the fight against cellulite, caffeine is used externally as masks or wraps. Properties of this substance:

  • it has an active effect on metabolism in tissues, stimulating lipid (fat) exchange;
  • caffeine, sucking through the skin, penetrates tissue cells and activates the disintegration of fat deposits;
  • the substance enhances microcirculation in tissues, thereby further stimulates the transportation and removal of unnecessary substances through blood flow;
  • caffeine perfectly tones, so the skin becomes elasticity, becomes velvety;
  • due to improving blood circulation and acceleration of exchange processes, extra centimeters go without a trace.

Use of caffeine

The drug is freely sold on any pharmacy at an affordable price. It is produced in the form of a solution in ampoules, called caffeine Sodium benzoate. The composition contains sodium benzoate, which provides easy alkaloid digestibility. Accessibility and easy to use made the drug a very popular tool for wraps at home. Apply the drug is necessary in a complex with other components to achieve the maximum effect.

Wraps with caffeine

Caffeine wrapping with caps

This wrapping is also called burning, so if you have very sensitive skin, it is better to use another recipe. However, if you decide to carry out this procedure, the result will delight. Prepare a mixture: in the dining room of the children's cream, add the pea of \u200b\u200bwarming ointment capsicles and 4 ampoules of caffeine. All components blend thoroughly and apply to problem areas. It is not recommended to apply on the stomach and the inner surface of the hips. I turn around the places of application of the food film, we turn on the warm towel on top or wearing warm pants. The wrapping procedure lasts from half an hour to one and a half hours - it all depends on the skin sensitivity. After the expiration, wash the mixture from the body with warm water and moisture with cream. Each food is not recommended an hour before the procedure and within two hours after it. Wrapping stimulates microcirculation in tissues and enhances lymphotok.

Caffeine wrapping with papaverine

This wrapping option is more sparing:

  1. Mix 2 ampoules of caffeine with 2 ampoules of papaverine, the basis of the wrapping will serve honey (1 tbsp. L.).
  2. The thickened honey is pre-slightly warm on a water bath.
  3. Mass appline a thin layer on problem areas. Wrap the film and insulate the clothes or towel. Leave 1.5-2 hours.
  4. Such wraps are recommended to make a course 12 times every other day.

Papaverin contributes to the removal of unnecessary fluid, thanks to which the ethnicity is removed, honey feeds and moisturizes the skin, we spoke about the properties of the caffeine above.

Caffeine wrapping with clay

Divide 1 tbsp. l. White or blue clay with warm water before the creamy state. Add 2 ampoules of caffeine, a couple of drops of grapefruit or orange essential oil and 12 drops of olive oil. Next, we do on the foregoing scheme.

Conduct caffeine wraps is required by a course at least 10 times with a break of 3 days between them. You will be pleasantly surprised by the effect of these wraps, the result will not wait long for a long time.

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