How to remove belly wrapping

How to remove belly wrapping

Wraps entered v discharge popular cosmetic procedures on path to perfect forms. Initially this methodik applied exclusively for struggle with cellulite. But thanks to effect reduction weight stated basic method reliability from superfluous santimeters. Wraps not only help get rid of from hateful reliefs, but and lead skin v tonus I. return bye elasticity.

Mustard wrapping

For cooking such mixes necessary 2 art. spoon dry mustard dilution v little quantity warm water before cashitzoid masses. Then add 1 art. spoon olive oil and two spoon honey. Good stirring and apply on region belly. Wrap foodie film, hold 40 minutes and wash warm water. TO such procedure necessary to be ready, mustard it has property bake.


Wrapping from algae

Most popular view wraps. V quality basic component used kelp. Availability haluronova acids, magnesium and acid renders incredible the effect on skin. Seaweed preliminary matching v warm water v flow 1520 minutes. When they much enlarge v size, impose on stomach. Across 4060 minutes remove and lubricate cream.


Honey wrapping

Not less effective fat burning property possessed natural honey. For of this v 2 spoon preliminary preheated honey add 3 drops etheric citrus oil and apply on region belly. Hold 30 minutes, wash warm water and lubricate cream.


  Wrapping with cocoa

Cocoa not only will help lose weight v region belly, but and empolith resistance skin to aging. For cooking mixes 1 spoon powdered cocoa rubbit with 1 spoon oil (olive, almond, germs wheat) on water ban. Enjoy before room temperature and apply on problem zone. Wrap film and loggy under plaid on 40 minutes. After of this wash warm water.


  Clay wrapping

Thanks to himselfextrallingproperty clay estimates not only from shag and pollution, but and promotes lose lish subcutaneous fat. For wraps need blue clay (only this view used for data procedures). Divide her with warm water before uniform masses. Obtained mix covered stomach, and wrapped film, on 30 minutes loggy under blanket. Then wam water, abundant lubricate moisturizing lotion.


  Acetic wrapping

Vinegar accelerates exchange substances and displays excess liquid. Per check of this waist quickly loses several santimeters, a leather acquires elasticity. To do that wrapping, divide normal or apple vinegar v boiled water v proportions 1:2. Wetting v dann solution the cloth from cotton and wrap her stomach, over volume film. After 30 minutes wash residues warm water.


By oRDER scientists, most effectively usage any view wraps v evening time, when organism produces hormone, responding per slimming. For achievements desired result well should consist from 1015 Sessions with break v one dayImportant remember, what front any procedure necessary familiarize with contraindications.

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