How to remove fat from the abdomen at home

How to remove fat from the abdomen at home

For many girls for several years, it remains a unrealized dream of making a stomach flat. It is quite possible, if not lazy and eat right. How to remove fat from the belly at home, let's study all the subtleties of this difficult.

We remove fat from the belly

If you complain about stress, lack of sleep, heredity, the lack of time to eat right, then you can regret it infinitely. There are many methods, so you only need to want to get rid of the accumulated fat.

How to do it:

  • First you need to clean the intestine from the accumulated slags. The easiest and fastest way is the enema. Just need to remember that this method is even effective, but not safe. If there is no problem with the intestines and the body works like a clock, then you can try the course of purification with the help of the enema. Otherwise, expect a bowel failure, after the enema often dance constipation.
  • The enema can be done in the 2nd schemes: gentle and tough. The first method is "the enema of Shamidilov. You need to make 11 cleansing procedures. The first procedure, then break 5 days, the second, break 4 days, the third - 3 days, the fourth - 2 days, fifth 1 day. Then the enema need to be put every day. The tough cleansing procedure is called "Seed's enema". There is an enema every day for 14 days in the morning before the first meal and in the evening before you gather dinner. If you want to get rid of superfluous, faster to lose weight and remove fat from the abdomen, then you need a rigid scheme.

How to do the enema

  • Take a special circle (Esmark), it is a glass of 2 liters. It is necessary to fill the rubber warmer with warm water, add an apple vinegar (1 tsp) and 1 tbsp. salt. Instead of vinegar you can get freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • With regard to the water temperature, to stimulate intestinal motility, the water temperature should not exceed + 20 ° and not be less than + 12 °.
  • If they suffer from spastic constipation (comes from the increased acidity of the stomach), then the water temperature should be the above, from +37 to 42 °.
  • Water must be pre-boiled, and then cool.
  • It is best to put the enema lying in the bath with warm water, then there will be no more thumbnail, no painful pain and other unpleasant sensations, water helps it easier to transfer the procedure.
  • Women during menstruation are prohibited to put enemas. You can only on the 2nd day after completion of menstruation.
  • After the course of cleaning enema, you need to restore the intestinal work, take preparations with bifidobacteriums. Also adhere to the right nutrition, eliminate the food of animal origin, consume only plant food (within 4 days).

We remove fat from the abdomen and make the belly flat. Exercises

Only balanced and proper nutrition, as well as cleansing enemas will not help, require an integrated approach to solving the problem. The right physical exertion is necessary.

What should be expected from charging:

  • calorie losses, and subsequently splitting fat;
  • the tide of blood in the abdomen will help speed up the metabolic process;
  • muscles are tightened, the skin becomes an elastic, the belly is flat.

Exercises for belly suspenders:

  • The press is the first and most basic. Many girls know how to swing the press, but many do it wrong. Lying on the back, the legs must be put on the width of the shoulders and slightly bent in the knees. Hands - in the castle behind the head, elbows to the sides. The loin is pressed as much as possible to the floor. The second mistake is due to the weak muscles of the abdominal wall housing, many raise, helping their hands, the load is distributed incorrectly, the muscles of the neck and back work more. During this exercise, it is necessary to try to keep the abdominal muscles in the tone, and the lower back is relaxed. For the beginning you need to do 16 times, if you feel the strength, then 3 approaches of 10-15 exercises.
  • Again a variety of exercise in the press: turns to the side. Raise the torso not in a straight line, but with a turn to the left or right side. For each side you need to do 10-15 repetitions.
  • Full toil lifting: legs are encountered with hands (from floor by 60 °), keep your back straight, breathe correctly.
  • Lower press is required. The initial position is lying on the floor, raise your feet at 30 ° from the floor, we consider to 3, omit. The number of repetitions is 10-15, try to make 3 approaches. If hard, start with 10 repetitions.

Comments leave a comment
Ilona 11/09/2018 at 6:16.

it is important not to forget about training. I am practicing on the hungry stomach-slopheck well ... True before the trenta, I will accept the SportExperson

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