How to remove belly and sides

How to remove belly and sides

On the way to acquire ideal forms there are obstacles in the form of problem areas in the abdomen and sides. Reduce volumes and purchase a flat tummy will help rational healthy nutrition and an active lifestyle. There are several recommendations how to increase the efficiency of proper nutrition and physical exertion, acquire a tagged stomach and sides in a short time.

Exclude Fast Food and Snacks from the diet. The main enemy of the flat tummy is fatty and fried food. Replace the hamburger with a useful sandwich with milk cheese, tomatoes and olive oil. And froth potatoes - vegetable cutting or puree.

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Liquid is necessary for protein synthesis in the body, which prevents fat deposition. In addition, with water in the human body, oxygen is coming for fat burning.

Twist Hula-HUP daily at least 10 minutes, gradually increasing the duration. The most effective consider the weighty rubberized hoop with massage balls.

We regularly visit the fitness room or train at home. It is necessary to do less often 2 times a week for an hour. Effective training from deposits in the abdomen and sides are aerobic classes and breathing practices (yoga, bodyflex, pilates).

Classes "Driving abdomen." Dance movements are directed just to strengthen the muscles of the press and sides. In addition to tightened beautiful forms, classes will bring a lot of pleasure and positive attitude! It is worth considering that after such classes on the stomach will not appear "Cubes" and steel fortress. The tummy will be soft, taut, feminine.

Pass the massage course (10 sessions). Mechanical impact on fat deposits brings a long-term sustainable result. In the struggle for a beautiful belly is useful both manual and hardware massage. Effective types of manual massage to remove deposits from the abdomen and sides, consider:

  • vacuum massage;
  • honey;
  • sPA massage;
  • using hand mass machines.

Cosmetology clinics offer such types of hardware massage to reduce deposits in the abdomen and sides: roller massage, LPG therapy, vibrator massage, pressotherapy.

Wraps. Cosmetology cabinets offer a wide selection of hot and cold wraps for individual parts of the body. Good results bring wraps - honey, clay, paraffin, mud. It is recommended to undergo a course of 10 sessions 1-2 times a week.

The integrated use of various methods for combating deposits on abdomen and sides will bring the long-awaited, sustainable result. It is only necessary to stock the purposefulness, hard work and perseverance, do not stop at half the way. After purchasing the desired forms, it is recommended to continue to use useful products and actively engage in physical exercises.

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Ad 10/26/2019 at 10:33

It is very important not only for the nutrition to follow and workout not to skip, but also help the body with additives ... All the same, these fat sides we raised, just not to get rid of them. I generally accepted the lipotropic factor Evalarovsky (I ordered it in the online store phytomarket, it is more convenient and more profitable), an additional L-carnitine. I think it was precisely because it was pretty quickly excess fat to remove)

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