How to remove the hump on the neck

How to remove the hump on the neck

As soon as they do not call the hump on the neck. This is a "salt bump", and "Bizonii Rog", and "Vdovy Gorb". Whatever this disease is called, all women want to get rid of it.

Why hump appears on the neck

This hump is the usual accumulation of fatty sediments who solidify over the years. They suffer from this cosmetic pathogram only women who have ended the active sexual life and because of this in the body there are surplus of sex hormones. But this factor is not the only one. The hump on the neck can provoke:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • accumulation of salts between spinal disks (Bekhtereva's disease);
  • injuries of the cervical spine;
  • kyphos (spinal curvature).

How to remove hump on the neck

You can remove the ugly bump only using a set of measures. This is especially true if the hump is already quite large and solid. So what you need to do:

  • Remove very soft pillows and perins from the bed. Available on a hard mattress and a flat pillow - solid surfaces will allow you during sleeping to lie exactly and the spine will not be curved.
  • Try to swim as much as possible. This type of outdoor activity strengthens the muscles of the back and the spine becomes smooth.
  • Make a special gym to strengthen the back and stretch the vertebrae.
  • Periodically pass the courses of a special massage - it is this procedure that allows you to split salon deposits.
  • In the hardest cases, take the direction from the doctor to certain physical education.
  • With sedentary work, it's more often to get out of the chair and make the tilts of the head to the right and left, back and forth. These five-minute exercises will facilitate that blood and lymph will not be stamped, but will wash salt between the disks.

Gymnastics at the hump on the neck

All exercises are associated with strengthening the weak back muscles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 7th vertebra. It takes gymnastics every day and preferably in the morning and evening.

  • Lying on the stomach, assure your hands into the floor and lift the top of the body. At the same time, place your hands on the width of your shoulders. Make a slow exhale and twist the blades so that it felt the strong tension of the muscles. Keep the blades in this position of 20 seconds, and then divert them. Next, lower the body to the floor and rest a bit. Repeat exercise 5-10 times.
  • Take the same posture as in the first exercise. Climbing on the hands, take off the floor not only the upper part of the body, but also hips and feet. Then, also twist the blades and find at least 10 seconds in this posture. The blades are diverting and gently lower the body to the floor. This exercise is also 5-10 times.

Massage at hump on the neck

Massage must conduct a professional massage therapist, but it is better to invite it to the house. The fact is that the procedure will be more efficient if it takes a bath before it and unpack the location of the grease. Bath you can take soda or with a chamomile decoction. If the massage therapist can not come home, then it needs to be asked to put ordinary mustard horses in place. Preheat the body before the massage you need only 4-5 minutes, but try to prevent burns. For this, the mustarder can be placed on the neck back side or laying a sheet of clean white wet paper under it.

The hump on the neck with a massage is removed for 10-20 sessions - it depends on the degree of launching.

Fizwards at hump on the neck

The most effective physical preparation during the protrusion of part of the cervical back is shock-wave therapy. Ultrawan big intensity break fat deposits? And the hump is gradually decreasing. The frequency of the procedure appoints a doctor - usually takes 10-15 days.

If this set of measures does not help, then it is worth passing a complete medical examination. It has been proven that violation of the work of the adrenal cortex leads to the fact that the hump on the neck grows very quickly and is not removed by traditional methods. In this case, the doctor may assign hormone therapy.

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