How to remove the hungry

How to remove the hungry

High eyelids or ptosis, as cosmetologists call this phenomenon, often create the impression of pain and fatigue. The main reason for the occurrence of the hanging age is considered to be a violation of fluid exchange in the body, as well as aging and loss of skin elasticity. But it is possible to deal with this problem at any age using the following methods.

Compresses and masks

Consider popular masks against the hanging eyelids.

Mask of flour, sauerkraut and potatoes juice

Sitting on a shallow grater one medium potatoes, squeeze juice from it. Pose by sauerkraut in gauze and squeeze juice from it. In a specially prepared container, pour juice from cabbage and potatoes, add 1 tsp for the resulting mixture. flour. Apply the mask forever, leave for 5 minutes to influence. At the end of time, rinse the mask with a century with warm water without the use of soap.

Egg and Olive Oil Mask

In a glass container, take 1 egg with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Apply the mixture and leave for a 15-minute impact. Remove the mask from the eye with warm water and apply a moisturizing cream for the eyelids.


Compress with ragger chamomile

Put 1 tbsp in the container. l. Dry daisy flowers and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Leave the decoction to be for 10 minutes, cool down and strain it through the sieve. Moisten two cotton disks in a chamomile chamomile and attach to centuries for 10 minutes. After the procedure is completed, the residues of the burst with a napkin.


2) Massage

Before proceeding with the massage, beware of the face and apply a moisturizing cream. The use of cream is a prerequisite for massage, as it prevents skin stretching. In the index finger, take circular movements from the nose to the temple. In the field of the upper eyelid, make a more strongly combining them with slipping movements. Massage Perform every day until the desired result is obtained.

Massage 1.

Exercises for the age

In order for you to see which muscles work, put a small mirror in front of you and feel free to start the following exercises:

  1. Workout. Look forward and delay your eyes in this position for 3 seconds. After that, the exercises slowly move the eyes to the left and raise them upwards after 3 seconds. Hold the pause and transfer the right to the right, after 3 seconds lower your eyes down. Make an eye exercise 5 times. Workout completed.
  2. Exercise "Secrets of Geisha". Close your eyes, fingers hold the skin over the outer corners of the eyes, press on it. Despite the pressure of the fingers, lift the eyelids, hold them in this position 3 seconds. After the time to relax the eyes.
  3. Exercise "Fast Morgaz". Get up your head up, look at the ceiling and blink as quickly as possible for 30 seconds.
  4. Exercise "Look at your nose." Back head up, eyelids lower down, delay in this position 3 seconds. At the end of the exercise, return the head to its original position and relax.

Exercises are recommended to perform 2 times a day of 5 approaches, it will help strengthen and tighten the atrophied eyelids.

The exercise

Salon treatments

Eliminate the problem of the authorized century with the help of salon procedures is quite easy. But experts recommend contacting them only if the eyelid affects vision. There are several types:

  1. Botoululus-toxin injections. This procedure is used at the initial stage.
  2. Radio frequency thermalifting. The procedure is recommended for women after 40 years, it is aimed at sealing and compressing stretched skin.
  3. Blepharoplasty. The procedure is carried out by a surgeon that excishes excess skin in the eyelid.
  4. Laser blepharoplasty. This type of procedure is aimed at removing excess fluid from the age.


Using our recommendations, you will be able to maximally adjust the hut eyes without operating interventions. Prevent the accusation of the eyelids will help you balanced nutrition and healthy dream.

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