How to lay ointment

How to lay ointment

Do not everyone know that the eye diseases are treated not only by drops, but also ointments. Moreover, the second group of drugs is even more efficient in action. But since not everyone knows how to lay the ointment in the eyes, let's try to figure out how it can be done quickly and painlessly.

If you have been prescribed treatment and drops, and ointment - the procedure should be started with droplets in the eye. After a couple of minutes it will be possible to launch Mazi for eyelid. In addition to the medication, you will need cotton disks and glass blades.

Before proceeding with the procedure, glass wands should be quicked. In case you need to handle both eyes, use different sticks for each of them. Do not forget to carefully wash your hands with soap to avoid infection to the shell eye.

We proceed to the procedure:

  1. Singing a small amount of ointment from packaging on a glass wand.
  2. Stand in front of the mirror.
  3. Take a wand in the right hand (or in the left, if you are left-hand), and with a free hand gently pull out the lower eyelid.
  4. Carefully cover the mucous membrane of the eye of the ointment.
  5. Slowly release the lower eyelid and cover your eyes.
  6. Take a cotton disk and 30 seconds to massate the eyelid with soft circular movements for the uniform distribution of the drug throughout the shell of the eye.

This procedure only at first glance may seem challenging, in fact it is elementary to perform even without assistance.

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