Conjunctivitis or simply eye inflammation can be perfectly cured with the help of affordable and inexpensive means - furaciline. This universal remedy is suitable for adults, and for newborn babies. To achieve due results, it is necessary to make a solution properly and rinse the eyes well.
It is necessary to buy in the pharmacy, a ready-made solution of furaciline or tableted 0.02 g. Mostly the drug can be found in state pharmacies. If there are no nearby, you can make liquid yourself.
We take 200 ml of boiled warm water and put 2 Furatcilina tablets. It has bad solubility, so you need to pre-grind and mix the water with tablets thoroughly. Then the resulting liquid is filled with a double layer of sterile gauze. Since even a small piece of non-dissolved crystal can harm the mucosa.
Used utensils, as well as hands should be perfectly clean. Therefore, before the procedure, it is necessary to peel your hands thoroughly with warm water with antibacterial soap.
We take cotton discs and soak several times their finished mortar. Move the lower eyelid and wipe the eyes, starting from the inside edge to the outer. It is necessary to wash both eyes regardless of whether both eyes are sick or one. Moreover, you need to use a new cotton disk every time to renew the infection.
There is another way of washing - with the help of funk-shaped cups. They are sold in pharmacies. When washing, it is impossible to close the eyes, the flow of the solution must be continuous.
All stages of washing should be carried out with extreme caution and attentiveness. The main thing is not harmful to the eyes.