How to display a black eye

How to display a black eye

Sometimes in the life of a person is faced with unpleasant situations, as a result of an accident under the eye formed a hematoma, or bruise. It is important to quickly provide first aid to faster tissue regeneration occurred. It is so not the way to show off with "ornament" in a meeting or celebration.

Once there was a mechanical action on the skin, immediately apply cold to the place of injury for 30-60 minutes. The cold constricts blood vessels, blood flows away from this place, which means that the affected area is reduced:

  • Ideally, use ice, wrap it in a handkerchief.
  • Also lead the water will do. It is sold without a prescription at the pharmacy.
  • Vodka or dilute with water. Pour the solution in the form of ice. Put in the freezer. Wrap the frozen cubes cloth and wipe the black eye. Be careful, avoid contact with the eye solution.

Rinse the affected skin area, wipe with a towel. Apply a small amount of ointment "Troxevasin" or "concoctions." Also reduces the swelling of the ointment "Bruise-OFF". Follow the annotation tools and use it 5 times a day. Additionally, use the ointment "Ascorutin". It strengthens blood vessels.

To display a black eye, make a warm compress. Exposure to heat is allowed in a few days, when the swelling subsides. Since expands when heated vessels, and the blood oxygenates damaged cells. Use the following methods Warm fabrics:

  • Raskalov fry pan and salt on it for 2-3 minutes. Put it in a bag or handkerchief. Apply to the affected area.
  • Cook the egg in the pan. Wrap it with a cloth and apply to the eye.
  • Draw a grid in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bruise iodine. To do this, it is more convenient to use an iodine solution as a marker.

It is enough for the use of herbs, besides, this method is economical. All herbs are available in any pharmacy. It is better to use them along with traditional ointments. The following folk recipes will help under the eye under the eye:

  • Take 2 tbsp. Powder Badyagi and spread it with water in the vessel to the pussy mass. At the top of the eye attach the bandage and put the cashem on top. Secure the bandage on the head. Change the dressing 2 times a day. Be careful with this tool. Watch it does not fall on the mucous eye. The appearance of an allergic reaction to the skin is not excluded. Therefore, before using the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe bruise, try to smear a bright small area of \u200b\u200bskin on the body.
  • Prepare a decoction from the herbs of a ribbon and mother-and-stepmother. Take them in equal proportions. 1 tsp. Herbs on 250 ml of water. After boiling, make a herbal mixture in a pan and cook for 5 minutes. Insist 30 minutes in a dark warm place. Make a grazing every 3 hours.
  • Prepare cabbage juice. To do this, knock on the cabbage leaves with a hammer for chopping meat. Change the grazing every hour.
  • If you are in nature, then apply a seafront leaf on the affected area. Its juice has anti-inflammatory properties.

Instantly remove the bruise under the eye is quite difficult. Therefore, to feel comfortable under the climbing views of others, use the masking means: a tone cream, corrector.

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