How to get rid of a hematoma

How to get rid of a hematoma

The hematoma appears thanks to the injury. The duration and methods of treatment depend on the degree of damage and the place where the hematoma has formed. The bruises take place on the body for two weeks, last about a month on their feet. The most quickly the hematomas are absorbed in the face - from a week to 10 days.

It should be distinguished by hematoma from the bruise. The bruise appears when the capillaries and minor bleeding appears. The hematoma is formed when vascular damage in soft tissues due to blood accumulation. The occurrence of a hematoma is indicated not only by a change in skin color, but also to tissue edema, pain, an increase in temperature is possible. With intracranial hematoma, examination and treatment in the hospital are required. Extensive hematomas need surgical treatment. With the help of puncture or autopsy, the surgeon evacuates accumulated blood. After removing the fluid and blood, a pressure dressing is applied.

Treatment of small hematomas is carried out conservatively at home. The use of cold in the first minutes after the injury helps to stop bleeding and prevent the formation of an extensive hematoma. The cold is applied for 15-30 minutes, then take a break for 30-40 minutes. You can not keep ice in a damaged place for more than 30 minutes. In order not to frostbite the skin, put a linen napkin or towel under the ice. Well, if there is a special cooling compress in the home medicine cabinet, if this is not, use ordinary ice. Pressure dressings also contribute to stopping bleeding. Do not use ice if there is an open wound on the skin.

Two days later, heat is allowed to use. Warming gels, hot baths, compresses improve blood circulation. This helps to get rid of the hematoma faster. Salt or sand is used for dry warming. Heat the sand in a pan or in the oven, pour in a bag and attach to a sore spot. For a long time, cooked egg or potatoes preserves the heat. A useless procedure will be applying an iodine net.


The Troxevazin tool helps to absorb blood, helps stop bleeding and reduce swelling. Apply 2% gel to the skin and rub out carefully. The use of heparin ointment, gels with arnica content gives a good effect. Baddyag gel or ointment contributes to the rapid absorption of hematomas if they are used in the first hours after injury. Baddyag powder is diluted with water to the state of gruel and applied to the skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Ointments and gels are applied only to intact skin. Observe special caution when using a baddy. Even with minor scratches, you will receive severe skin irritation.


Swellings from raw potatoes will help to get rid of the hematoma. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater and attach for 15 minutes to a problem place. Such lotions are especially effective for hematomas in the eye area. Very often, with a strong blow to the nose bridge, hematomas will appear under the eyes the next day. Do not wait in the morning, take measures immediately. On the nose - cold, under the lower eyelids - a gel with a badger. A gel cosmetic mask is very convenient, which is used as a cold or hot compress. For cooling, the mask is placed in the refrigerator, for heating - lowered in hot water for several minutes.

Timely treatment and proper use of funds will help you get rid of the hematoma. On the road and on vacation, have a first -aid kit with you. Do not forget that cold is used in the first two days, and only on the third day the sore spot needs to warm up.

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Victoria 13/10/2016 at 15:54

When she fell from the bicycle, she walked limping, and there was even a hematoma on the knee. It’s good that the platelet was in the medicine cabinet. They smeared their leg several times a day. With different injuries and hematomas, it helps great.


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