How to get rid of rosacea

How to get rid of rosacea

The fine mesh of translucent skin through the blood vessels called rosacea. It is most commonly appears on the face, with both women and men. And if men often do not pay attention to this cosmetic defect, the women he brings considerable inconvenience. Good gloss over half of mankind begins its creams or impose large layer of powder. Makeup helps to just cover rosacea, but it is better to get rid of it completely.

The causes of rosacea

Most often causes the formation of such a network are:

  • The general weakness of vessels, not just on the face;
  • Abuse facial scrub;
  • Constant contact open areas of the body (ie, a person) with the external environment - wind, cold, sun.

How to treat a weakness vessels

rosacea treatment is as follows:

  • Fundamentally deal with the weakness and lethargy vessels have a doctor. Go for consultation in a district clinic, and after some tests you appoint medicines. Usually it askorutin, rutin or profilaktin S. All of them very effectively strengthen blood vessels and capillaries.
  • In addition to taking the pills, start to eat more fruits and vegetables contain sufficient amount of vitamin C, a black currant, sweet bell peppers, onions and citrus.
  • vessel walls are suffering because of the lack of silicon, therefore, include in your diet buckwheat, peas, beans, oats and corn. It is better to eat them in the form of porridge, seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • Stop smoking - nicotine is very harmful to the vessel wall.

How to reduce the impact of external aggressive:

  • Cosmetic procedures for face cleaned only with soft gentle means;
  • Do not abuse the solarium;
  • Wear protective sunscreen and frost;
  • Summer wear hats or panama.

How to get rid of spider veins on the face

All described methods are preventive. They will help prevent the emergence of new cuckoo foci, but the old minor hemorrhages from the face will not leave. This cosmetic defect can be removed only in the cosmetic clinic.

There are several special methods:

  • laser - damaged capillaries and vessels are burned with a thin beam;
  • sclerotherapy - in an extended vessel is introduced "sclerosing", which gradually corps the wall;
  • electro-mapping - a thin needle with a current to it is introduced into the vessel. Its small power is enough to destroy the walls of the vessel.

Home Methods for reducing the manifestations of cuperosis on the face

If the mesh on the face is very weak and you are not yet ready to visit the beautician, then you can help the following means:

  1. Camomile tea. 2 tbsp. l. Dry colors Fill 200 ml of hot water. Keep in the thermos to the complete cooling, and then strain and superimpose the compress for a problem space for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Cashier from raw potatoes. Make it from peeled potatoes, by rubbing on a shallow grater. Mask from potatoes Keep on the face of 10 minutes, and then wash the chamomile decoction.
  3. Black tea tincture. Brew 1 tbsp. l. Tea in 1 cup of water and give. Lower the napkin in the infusion, squeeze it slightly and hold on the face of 15 minutes. Make such a procedure in the morning and in the evening.
  4. Herbal mask. Mix in equal amounts of dry flowers calendula, chamomile and chestnut. Add a horsetail and yarrow grass to them - in the same quantity. Such a dry mix in the mortar and pour with a small amount of warm water so that the pasta mass is obtained. Apply a mask on the cleaned skin every day and keep it at least 15 minutes. After you feel the booze of yarrow, chamomile or calendula.

Cooperoz is a sufficiently unpleasant cosmetic defect. If you saw on your face even a very small bunting vascular, do not postpone the case in a long box. Take prophylactic measures so that Cuperoz on flourished on the face of lush color. Especially follow your face, if your mom or father has problems of vascular mosses - the weakness of vessels is usually transmitted by inheritance.

Comments leave a comment
Lubash 20/05/2016 at 17:57

I have a dry and sensitive skin since childhood. In the sun, always immediately overtaking. And now even Cuperose added on the wings of the nose. I saves only the cream rubbed the SPF 50+ expert. Heals, hides the cooperous grids and protects from the sun. I use in the mornings as ordinary cream. Very effective, I recommend)

Lidia 07/28/2016 at 23:38

I agree with any. I use the ruled expert SPF50 + from May to October, the weight of Summer Dayki, the wonderful strengthening of the vessels.


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