How to get rid of the tightness of the armpits

How to get rid of the tightness of the armpits

Nature laid in us is the release of sweat for cooling the organism in the heat, as well as to derive toxic substances. However, excessive sweating can deliver discomfort, there are many ways to cope with it.

Analyze your diet, the causes of sweating can be alcohol and beer, in particular, as well as an abundance of spices in acute food. Reduced the use of these products, you can if you do not quite get rid of a delicate problem, then it is noticeable for yourself to reduce its scale - that's for sure.

Hormonal changes are caused by hormonal changes that are observed in adolescents during transition period, and even in women because of Clemaks. In these cases, a comprehensive approach is needed:

  • Take the sedative fees, wear Valerian, mother-in-law, mint, Melissa and St. John's wort. Brew 1 tsp. The dried herb is 1 glass of boiling water, consumed for 3 receptions for half an hour before meals.
  • At least a couple of times a day, take a contrast shower.
  • Choose a lightweight cloth for your clothes.

Remember, the more fluid you drink, the more you sweat. Especially important is in the hot season. Try to limit hot tea in your diet, hot soups, as well as coogens, such as honey, raspberry, mustard.

To prevent an unpleasant smell of armpit, it is necessary to deteriorate in a timely manner, thoroughly wash with soap and use antiperspirant deodorants. If you are in a hurry, you can use the people's way: Clean the armpits, dry, and then wipe the lemon circle.

Take periodically baths with decoction of oats or needles. To do this, pour 200 g of conifers or oat flakes with boiling water, let it be impaired before cooling. Type to a warm water in the bath, pour a fluid decoction there. By the way, the flakes themselves can be wrapped in gauze and use this "bag" to wipe.

You can deal with sweating with wipes. Horsetail or walnut leaves pour vodka in proportions 1:10, leave one day. Divide a small portion of tincture with the same volume of water. Wipe the armpits with a cotton disk, moistened in the diluted tincture a couple of times a day. For wiping, a wonderful decoction is also suitable, prepared from 2 tbsp. Mixtures of sage and oak bark, boiling water litters.

In any case, to solve this delicate problem, you need to follow the rules of hygiene, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. If you have too much suspicion that the cause of increased sweating is a hidden disease - do not pull, contact your doctor, you will certainly help to cope with the ailment.

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Alla 03/06/2018 at 6:47.

Here I just have increased sweating because of the climax ... some common, typical funds did not help. The problem was solved only by the ice formula of menopause and the infusions of the boring uterus, in addition to the sweating, there were also other signts-tides and insomnia. So if anyone has this problem on the background of menopause, I advise you to understand exactly with it first, and everything will be done there)

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Olga 06/16/2018 at 13:19

As I understand you, myself suffered with this ... But I recommended a doctor to another tool (Cycle Alanine, could hear?), Well, there are additional champs of viburnum of red saw. Gradually the condition began to improve, not only sweating, but also irritability, which had previously appeared literally to all that I was surrounded

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