How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the mouse

How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the mouse

Few people nice to stand next to a person from whom the sweat is stacked. It is embarrassing when such a smell comes from you. However, this does not always depend on the tidy. You must be fully armed and know how to prevent sweating and sharp smell.

Factors of the appearance of the smell of sweat

Optionally, the smell will be at the same time. In warm microflora, malicious microorganisms are often formed, which are emitted by stench. Mortar hair only favors their accommodation. For reasons of abundant sweating, it is possible to attribute problems in the nervous system: fears, experiences, breakdowns, excitement. Often the sweat is one of the first signs of diabetes, tuberculosis, reduced work of immunity. Sweating can cause frequent consumption of coffee or tea. In women (middle and adolescence), sweating may indicate hormonal failures associated with the improper work of the thyroid gland. It is recommended to take seriously to this and go to the endocrinologist, so that he checked the hormonal background.

Getting rid of smell and sweat medication "Dry Dry"

The DRY DRY pharmacy is a ball deodorant with a colorless liquid inside, which has a long action. It makes sweat pores, as a result of which the armpits remain dry. The medicine is used once or twice a week and applied overnight for pure armpits. The tool dries quickly and acts all week.

Inserts for the armpits

To apply the liner, it is necessary to remove the upper protective layer and the lip-side to attach. These covers are fixed on the axillary zone of clothing (inner suture of the sleeves) and the sweat absorb. Due to its subtlety, they are very practical and invisible, and also do not leave any traces.

Injection at sweating

There is a new radical method of combating sweaty armpits - injections. They allow you to suppress the activity of the sweat glands, however, this operation negatively affects your health. The fact is that the sweat glands play an important role in the human body: they are responsible for heat exchange, in the event of a failure of their function - the complication will go to the heart.

Healthy nutrition and diets

Failure to comply with the regime introduces dysfunction to the body. Therefore, many nutritionists argue that strictly allocated meal time, rational food and a large number of vegetables will help get rid of the ailments, including excess weights, as well as from excessive sweating. Food affects blood and is able to change its structure. As a result, the smell of sweat changes. Tips to reduce unpleasant odor:

  • consume less flour, roasted, sweet;
  • must master in the diet of natural products, then metabolism improves.

Get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes

Eliminate sweat smell from clothes is very difficult. It is persistent, and to drown out with cologne or toilet water is impossible. Verified method is the washing in vinegar. Its properties are unique, and it will help neutralize almost any smell. Moreover, you can reduce sweating and relieve irritation, the body of gauze moistened in the vinegar solution.

An unpleasant odor from the armpits is not such a difficult problem, if you know the reason for the abundant sweating and go to her correctly. Do not forget that the body is a whole system in which everything is interconnected, because do not judge superficially.

Comments leave a comment
faith 03/14/2016 at 4:42.

It was tormented by the smell of sweat well, 5 years old ... From time to time, I tried different means and did not help anything, or for a short time, just a few days. Girlfriend advised the cream-ointment Nepiofoff, said that her husband had used and very efficiently. I didn't really believe first, but still decided to try it too .. and for a couple of years, pah-pah, my problem did not return! During this time, only once it also used her both - in order to prevent in the summer! Very advise, literally chopper!

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Sofia 07/29/2019 at 16:57

I am a sports amateur, I am constantly doing them. And I also use large physical exertion. During the load, always hard. All clothes after satisfied later, at least squeeze. It always annoyed me. And all the time bathed out of the smell. For a long time I was looking for a dealer, which copes well from then. Not so long ago, I found such a process control saves me. With him, I generally do not feel discomfort. He is the best!

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Svetlana 01/05/2020 at 0:01.

My husband sweats greatly, no deziki helps him. Shirts, T-shirts almost new things had to be thrown out only because on the armpits of terrible spots from sweat remained and it was impossible to wash them. And now he became a formagel to use, this is a pharmacy drug from hyperhydroposis. From him, armpits for several days remain dry and there are no divorces on clothes.

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