How to use deodorant

How to use deodorant

Deodorant has long been one of the most popular cosmetics. They enjoy men and women, and not just hot summer. The tool is able to prevent sweat selection and refresh the skin. Today, there are a huge number of deodorants on store shelves. To choose the appropriate, you need to know how to properly use it or another it.

What are deodorants there

Deodorants are divided into just two groups:

  1. Actually deodorants. They are in their composition active substances that do not produce multiply by bacteria. It is because of these bacteria that the sweat of man has an unpleasant smell. But killing bacteria, deodorant does not block the selection of sweat, i.e. Moisture under the mouse will be present in any case.
  2. Antiperspirants. In their composition, there is a salt of zinc or aluminum, which reduce sweat glands, and the sweat simply does not stand out.

Both types of means from sweat are in their composition and perfume fragrances.

What means it is better to use

Doctors recommend not to get involved in antiperspirants, as the permanent artificial closure of sweat glands can lead to skin problems. But it is not necessary to neglect them, especially people with an increased sweating. It is best to combine these two types and enjoy them in terms of the situation:

  • For daily use, a regular deodorant is quite suitable in combination with strips for the armpits. But this option is possible only in the cold season when clothing wear with sleeves.
  • In the summer you can use a deodorant, but if the sweat is not very high.
  • With abundant selection of moisture, it is necessary to use an antiperspirant, but be sure to pay attention to the time of its action. It can be either 24 or 48 hours. It is not necessary to apply a new portion of the means until the action of the previous application has completed. In any case, every three or four days the skin must be taken from a violent reduction of sweat glands and not use the antiperspirant at least 12 hours.

Types of deodorants

All means from sweat are divided into such types:

  • Sprays. In the form of sprays, perfumed deodorants are usually sold with a minimum of aggressive substances against bacteria. They are suitable for people with sensitive skin. The second advantage of the perfumed spray is that it can be selected for the perfume you use. True, it is mainly to relate to French brands. Disadvantages of sprays: the bulk of the spray and the possibility of its explosion, if the container will be in the sun for a long time.
  • Ball. Have a little weight and volume are their advantages. Disadvantage: in the "balls" contains a lot of alcohol, which can be negatively reflected in the skin condition.
  • Packs. Retractable deodorants, similar to soap or frozen Vaseline. Poems are the optimal choice both in terms of compactness, and in terms of exposure to the skin. But the price of them can be significantly higher than on ball deodorants.
  • Creams. The most gentle products for the skin, since moisturizing oils are necessarily present in their composition, and absolutely no alcohol. The lack of creams are that they are not very comfortable to apply on armpits. For the price of cream, the most expensive, if you do not take into account French perfume sprays. Deo-creams are best suited to treat an armpit area immediately after depilation when the skin is still annoyed.

How to use the selected deodorant

To any deodorant or antiperspirant really benefit, they need to use it correctly:

  • Before applying means make your hair under the mouse. Wash your skin with soap and dried with a soft terry towel.
  • Apply a deodorant 5-10 minutes after taking a shower or bath - during this time the skin will be completely dry.
  • If you are going to use an antiperspirant, then it is better to do it before bedtime. In the evening, sweat glands work is not so actively, as a day, and their artificial abbreviation will not be too aggressive.
  • If you have previously applied an antiperspirant, and the time of his action has not yet completed, do not apply it again, even if you have just taken a shower.
  • Increased sweating can be a consequence of hormonal disorders or frequent use of acute and salty foods. To spare your skin and give it sometimes to relax from a deodorant or antiperspirant, eliminate harmful food from the diet. If this does not help, contact the doctor - perhaps you need to go through some course of treatment.
  • Taking advantage of any deodorant long enough, change it to a new look. This will help to avoid the effect of addiction when certain active substances no longer help get rid of bacteria or closing sweat glands.

Buy deodorants only in specialized stores and only proven manufacturers. Do not be fed to advertising unknown tools, which promises to completely save you from sweat and his smell. The human body is designed so that sweat glands work to remove harmful substances. Passion for deodorants, especially very aggressive, may even harm health. If you and you can't live without using a deodorant, then make homemadeand use it during the breaks from the shop.

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