Natural Deodorant Crystal, how to use

Natural Deodorant Crystal, how to use

Deodorants-crystals are a choice of those who prefer in cosmetics all natural. There are no various chemical additives in these funds, as they are produced by nature itself.

Features of Deodorant Crystal

At the heart of such a popular daily leaves are alum. They are salts of various metals that crystallize when cooling. Alums have long been known to humanity and once widely used in medicine to stop blood and processing wounds. They are the same as the deodorants themselves, are called Alunite that only is the French version of the original name. The network often you can see numerous disputes about the composition of such deodorants, so we will give a typical Alunite formula: k 2SO. 4* Al 2(So. 4)3* 4Al (OH) 3 or kal. 3(So. 4)2(OH) 6. It is clear from it that in the composition of the mineral there are potassium, aluminum, sulfate and hydroxide residue, sometimes sodium, iron, silicon not shown above. Mentioned that alum is exclusively the product of volcanic activity, also not quite right. Crystals are formed in nature in various ways, for example, by exposure to sulfur silicates.

Varieties of natural deodorants

Produced on the basis of natural crystals, these funds can be solid or repulsed:

  1. Solid natural crystals are strong, with well-visible streaks, longer valid values \u200b\u200b(up to 3 days). They are applied to wet skin, but must be stored in a dry case. In the reverse case, the crystals can simply dissolve.
  2. The melted deodorants are already sold in special holders, but they are also recommended to contain in a cool and dry place. They add various fragrances and useful components, they are softer, faster and look frosted, without preserving the crystal structure. There are means in the form of a spray to which water should be poured before use. After 15 minutes, the crystals dissolve in the liquid - and the deodorant is ready. After the mixture, it does not deteriorate for a long time, due to the special chemical composition of the spray. Similarly, a broken natural crystal can be applied. Just collect it and fold it in a bottle with a sprayer, from time to time to her liquid.

Properties of natural deodorant crystals

This type of cosmetics is applied not only to reduce sweating, but also for other, equally important needs. For example, a crystal-treated leather after shaving remains smooth, not inflated. Angry rash and other redness, including insect bites, decrease, if you wipe the face and body in sprays. Use natural crystals is allowed by pregnant breastfeeding mothers, people with allergies or intolerance to smells. Even with intensive exploitation of the crystalline deodorant, there is enough for a very long time (40 grams of a slice about a year, or even more).

Interestingly, the most famous locations of Alunites are not at all in Thailand, but in the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Azeibardzhan. A bright example is the famous Mount of the ball-car, whose peak is saturated with the useful crystals.

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