No woman and no man today do without a deodorant. In stores, their choice amazes: dry crumbly, solid, gel, liquid ball and aerosols. You can choose for every taste and wallet. But it turns out, deodorant can be done independently.
Using various natural ingredients, your deodorant can become exclusive. To do this, it is necessary to add those essential oils whose smell you prefer.
- Cocoa solid oil - 25 g;
- SHI SHA - 15 g;
- Bee wax - 7 g;
- Food soda - 2 tbsp. l.;
- Corn starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
- Oil solution of vitamin E - 20 drops;
- Oil solution of vitamin A - 20 drops;
- Favorite essential oil or a mixture of several - 7 drops.
On the water bath melt solid oils. Throw into a mass of mixed dry ingredients into the mass. Add oil solutions of vitamins and essential oil. Mix everything thoroughly, but do not bring to a boil. A homogeneous mass to put into a wide jar from under the cream. Start using when the mass completely freezes.

- Coconut solid oil - 35 g;
- Cocoa solid oil - 10 g;
- Bee wax - 5 g;
- Food soda - 2 tbsp. l.;
- Potato starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
- Essential mint oil - 5 drops;
- Essential menthole oil - 5 drops.
The method of preparation is the same as described above. It is applied to the skin homemade deodorant simply with the tips of the fingers like ordinary cream.

A homemade deodorant is not only an environmentally friendly hygienic agent, but also a great gift to loved ones.