How to make tonic

How to make tonic

Toning is one of the mandatory and very important procedures in complex face skin care. On the shelves of cosmetic stores today you can find tonic to solve a wide variety of problems, however, it is much more pleasant and, undoubtedly, it is more useful to use natural cosmetics prepared by your own hands from environmentally friendly products. About what tonic there are for what they need and how to cook them at home, let's tell on.

What are Tonic

In the cosmetic industry, all skin tones are made to divide into three main groups:

  • tonic;
  • refreshing;
  • binders.

Toning tonic have a small proportion of alcohol and are suitable for normal and combined skin, leading it to a good tone. Refreshing are prepared on a non-alcoholic basis and are indispensable in caring for sensitive skin. Binding tonic are intended exclusively for fatty, as well as problem skin, since they have an increased alcohol content, and they have antiseptic properties.

Tonic 6.

What do you need tonic

In comprehensive care for delicate skin of the face, the tonic is used to remove remnants of the means for the demaciament, its purification and humidification. It also helps narrow the pores and restore the pH balance of the skin. If, after washing the pH balance, it comes to normal for 20-30 minutes and all this time on the skin is dry dryness and tension, due to tonic unpleasant symptoms disappear after a few seconds.

Tonic 10.

Moisturizing tonic from rose petals

For the preparation of a moisturizing tonic, a handful of fresh rose petals fill with 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. Infusion is filtering, the petals are well pressed so that all the juice come out. Add 10 drops of lemon juice, we take up and overflow into any convenient container. Store tonic in the refrigerator no more than a week. The face is best wiped with this means in the morning after washing. A large plus tonic from rose petals is not only in its beneficial properties, but also that it has a fragrant fragrance.

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Tonic for oily skin based on chamomile

The basis of tonic for oily skin is a chamomile infusion, which has anti-inflammatory effects:

  • The tonic is better to cook in small quantities, because it does not contain preservatives, and it can be stored in the refrigerator not more than 3-4 days.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of daisy flowers pharmacy and pour 100 g of boiling water.
  • Let's breed for 15-20 minutes in a closed ass, after which they are filtering.
  • Colding with infusion to room temperature, add 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar to it, pinned 2-3 drops of tea tree or lavender essential oil before it.
  • Before use, a mixture we swell.
  • If there is inflammation on the skin, the face must be wiped twice a day.

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Refreshing tonic from the collection of herbs

An excellent refreshing effect has a tonic infused on a mixture of several medicinal herbs. For its cooking, we take 1 teaspoon of mint, calendula, sage and pour a glass of boiling water. Let us strengthen about 30 minutes. This tonic is stored at no more than two days in a cool place.


If in the daily care of the face to use tonic homemade foods, then a positive result will be noticeable in a month. At the same time, the skin absolutely does not risk getting used to the components of home preparations, as often happens with purchased cosmetics. And this means that the tonic of their own cooking can be used by anyhow for a long time, without fear that their healing effect will weaken over time.

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