How to make a face lotion

How to make a face lotion

Competent face care assumes not only the regular use of creams and masks, but also daily quality cleansing of the skin. It is necessary to do this at least two times a day - in the morning and in the evening. In our age of chemistry, synthetics and semi-finished products, people gradually begin to realize the value of natural materials. No purchased cosmetics will replace the woman of natural gifts of nature. We offer today to learn to independently do face lotion based on natural components and include it in the daily skin cleansing program.

Principle of operation and features of application

Facial Lotion is an indispensable tool for improving the condition of problem skin. It helps to get rid of acne and acne, relieve irritation, heal wounds. However, the owners of other skin types should not be neglecting this wonderful agent. Home Lotion effectively eliminates pollution, exfoliates dead cells, disinfects, removes the voltage, slows down the aging process. With all the potential benefits, if it is incorrect to apply this tool, it can also have a negative impact. To this not happen, remember a few simple rules:

  • to make a home lotion, use only fresh products;
  • pick the lotion corresponding to your skin type;
  • before use, check if you have an allergic reaction to you (apply a pair of droplets on the wrist skin and wait a few hours);
  • with dry and sensitive skin, alcohol-containing lotions are not recommended;
  • lotion for a face on alcohol needs to be stored in a dark cool place for no more than two weeks, and a means without alcohol is subject to storage for no more than three days;
  • the tool applied should not be cold or hot, ideal is room temperature.

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Recipes for oily skin

Grease skin requires special attention and careful cleansing. Select one of the recipes you like and use the lotion every day:

  1. Mix alcohol and aloe juice in a 1: 4 proportion. Wipe the face moistened in this fluid with a cotton swab daily. If the skin is dried heavily - 1 time per day.
  2. Fill the half-table of rose petals with natural vinegar from apples in proportion 1: 1. The liquid must be inspected for two weeks, after which pour a glass of clean water into it.
  3. Fill 1 glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. tricolor violet, 1 tbsp. l. Horsettle, 1 tsp. Linden leaves and 1 tsp. Yarrow. Give the mixture to be broken for 20 minutes.
  4. In 1 cup of cooled high-quality black tea, add 2 tbsp. l. Lemon juice. Use the tool freshly prepared.

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Face Lotion for Normal Leather

The happy owners of normal skin can take advantage of the following recipes, periodically change them:

  1. Thoroughly dismiss 200 g grapes, add 1 tsp. liquid honey and 25 ml of vodka. Stir the ingredients and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  2. Watch the cucumbers on a shallow grater and straighten over the gauze cucumber juice. Add some vodka to juice in proportion 1: 4.
  3. Brew 1 tsp. Green tea on half a cup of boiling water and let it stand in half an hour. Pour in tea a quarter of a teaspoon of apple vinegar and as many lemon juice. Lotion is not more than 24 hours.

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Recipes Home Lotions for Dry Skin

Dry skin is subject to fast aging, and therefore requires special care and attention. Take note of the following recipes:

  1. Grind several cabbage leaves and fill their half hot milk. Insist in a closed dish for 40 minutes.
  2. To remove makeup and cleansing the skin, use oil from grape bones. Enough 1 tbsp. l. connected from 1 tsp. castor oil. Add 7 drops of vitamin E. to the mixture
  3. Bring to a boil 200 ml of birch juice. Add 2 h. liquid honey. Mix the ingredients and give an infusion to cool.
  4. In an equal proportion, mix melon juice with milk and mineral water. Use freshly prepared lotion every morning and every evening.

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Facial Facial Lotion

Prevent the emergence of the first signs of wilting, lotions prepared in the following recipes will help:

  1. Mix the leaves and flowers of mints with chamomile flowers, leaves and fruits of rowan and grains of half of the lemon so that the mixture is taken by the volume of the half-table. Fill it with 3 glasses of boiling water and put on a small fire for half an hour. Give the mixture in the course of 12 hours, then strain it and add 2 tbsp. l. Vodka and glycerol.
  2. Divide in a glass of warm water 1 tsp. Liquid honey and hollow lemon juice. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Push into the glass container 1 tbsp. l. Rosemary herbs and pour it with 1 cup of white wine. Shake well and put in a dark cool place for a month and a half. Then strain the mixture through the gauze.


Roast recipes for the face lotions, given here, will help you always look great and for many years to preserve youth and skin health.

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