How to make a hand cream

How to make a hand cream

Sometimes it is quite difficult to choose a hand cream, which would satisfy all numerous requirements. And in the case of a successful discovery, the price may turn out to be so screking that it comes from it. In such situations, the cream for the hands of its own manufacture will come to revenue. Cooking it, you can be completely confident in the naturalness and quality of the ingredients used and enjoy the pleasant texture and gentle of home cream. Choose a suitable recipe and create your own unique and perfect hand cream.

Tools and materials

What do you need:

  • Small saucepan;
  • Water bath;
  • Measured spoons and cosmetic spatulas;
  • Kitchen scales;
  • Gauze;
  • Blender or a whisk;
  • Empty small containers with covers for finished cream;
  • Basic, liquid cosmetic and essential oils and other ingredients, depending on the recipe that can be purchased in the stores of organic cosmetics or to order in the online store.

Hand Moisturizing Cream


  • 50 g of olive oil;
  • 50 g of sweet almond oil;
  • 50 g of waters of grape bones;
  • 20 g of coconut oil;
  • 10 g of bee wax;
  • 50 g of organic hydrosol according to your taste;
  • 2 ml of vitamin E (from the punctured capsule);
  • 8-10 Essential oil drops according to your choice, lavender, rose, orange, sandalwood, etc.) are perfect.

Thoroughly mix all the oils in the bowl and start warm up the mixture on the water bath on the smallest fire. In the preheated mass, add the wax, carefully whip the wedge to complete dissolution. Hypzolol, vitamin E and essential oil Mix in a mixer bowl, remove the oils with water bath and pour into a whipping bowl, thoroughly whipping the mass. There should be a homogeneous oil emulsion. Finished cream decompose on jars using a spatula.

Hand nutritious


  • 50 g of coconut oil;
  • 25 g of Shea Oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe juice;
  • 1 tablespoon of any basic cosmetic oil (liquid);
  • 5-10 droplets of essential oil to taste.

Heat, coconut oil, cocoa butter on a weak heat in a water bath until everything melts. Remove from the fire. Add aloe vera juice, liquid oil and essential oils and sweep carefully. Spread on containers.

Toning and bleaching cream

For this recipe, you will need the simplest and easily accessible components.


  • 2 lemon;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 10 drops of vitamin A;
  • 1 teaspoon camphor alcohol.

Singing juice from lemons, pour the lemon peel with a glass of boiling water, leaving up to cooling. Mix juice with butter and, whipping, gradually add all other ingredients. At the very end, enter camphor alcohol and one teaspoon infusion of lemon peel.

Due to the lack of preservatives in the recipe for homemade creams, they have a short shelf life - no more than two weeks. Store them need in the refrigerator. Therefore, prepare only such a number of cream that you can spend during this time. Cream, made with your own hands, will bring your hands double benefits.

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