Gloss to increase lips how to use

Gloss to increase lips how to use

Chubby and sensual lips are one of the main decorations of any woman. If from nature your lips themselves are thin or not large, do not hurry to turn to a plastic surgeon or make expensive cosmetic procedures. With a visual increase in lips, the lip gloss will be perfectly handled if you know how to properly apply it.

Selection of the right lip gloss

Cosmetic companies in abundance offer various brittle options to increase lip volume. As a rule, such brilliars are called the plaspers, they are able to increase the lip size by a third of the initial size. Selecting cosmetics to increase lips volume, should be remembered that:

  • Glits with the content of microcrystalline reflective microparticles of different shades due to optical deception increase lips.
  • Lemon-fruit extracts, as well as vanilla butyl ether in the composition of the brilliance, increase the volume of lips not immediately, but for some time. Applying such a glitter, the feeling of cold will appear on your lips, and then heat. This contrast creates the desired volume.
  • Glits with irritating skin skin components (extracts of red pepper, chili pepper, ginger, cinnamon, mints) When applied, give the effect of tingling. At the same time, the microcirculation of blood is improved, and the luxurious sense is "poured", the gain volume and saturated color. The result will be noticeable almost instantly.
  • Mandatory in the composition of the brilliance should be present Lanolin, nutrient oils (cocoa, shi, jojoba, coconut), natural beeswax that will feed and moisturize your lips.
  • Collagen, silicone and hyaluronic acid penetrate the pores of the lips, swell, increasing the volume of lips, and also stimulate the restoration of the skin and soften it.

Shitting technique

On the principle of the effect of light and shadow, the technique of applying shine is built in such a way as to make the lips fully and expressive. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. Slightly swim lips.
  2. Circuit the contour of the lips with a pencil, a little standing by the edges. The pencil tone should not be darker, but must completely imitate the lip shade.
  3. Take the shine darling and cover your lips. It is best to use shine with a matte effect.
  4. Following the inner part of the lips, apply shine with twisted. The use of pearl shine gives the most tangible effect.

Extension of the resistance of shine

So that all your efforts do not erase after 15 minutes, you must take care of the resistance of makeup. For this:

  • In advance, spend your lips peeling from sugar and coconut oil.
  • Before starting makeup, use a moisturizing lip balm so that the makeup lay smoothly and did not roll in cracks.
  • Be sure to let the lips, which will significantly increase the resistance of your glitter and securely fixes the tool.
  • Choose a more dense shine.

These simple tips will help you save your makeup for all day.

Of course, many choose painful and expensive procedures for themselves, such as Botox, lip tattoo, hyaluronic acid injection, lipophiling. But the results of these procedures are hard to predict, and in the event of an unsatisfactory effect, it is very difficult to fix something, and you will have to walk with your updated lips for a very long time. Therefore, it is much safer to use gloss to increase lip. Experiment with flowers and shades, try the products of different cosmetic companies, and you will definitely find what makes your lips are the most attractive.

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