How to use a highlight

How to use a highlight

Highlight, it is a luminiser, an intricate agent of decorative cosmetics, which becomes a real magic wand in experienced hands. Reflective particles are able to hide any unwanted shadow on your face, whether wrinkles, bags under the eyes or other traces of fatigue. Following simple instructions, learn how to apply Highlight to your face.

Action Highlight on different facial zones

Look in the mirror, what would you like to change? Maybe give a look greater expressiveness? Or visually increase the lip volume? With the literal application of the luminiser, all this becomes possible. Start your makeup with the usual base for you:

  • after applying a tone cream, the base and all the familiar funds for you, try to experiment,
  • apply a highlyer triangle on the forehead zone and cheekbones - it will give the skin of radiance and freshness,
  • emphasize the size of the lips either add it, will help a small amount of luminiser above the upper lip,
  • putting a little means under the tip of the eyebrows, you will visually lift it, and also make a line of eyebrows more clear due to the contrast of colors,
  • make the nose thinner and remove the Gubilka will help a thin rustic strip at the highest place of the back of the nose,

  • to achieve the maximum lip volume, apply a means to the widespread lips of the wide line in the middle and grow, put your favorite lipstick on top and glitter. This technique will discard the imaginary glare to your smile and make others admire the whole day.

Basic scheme of haylatera for face

Carefully look at the scheme suggested below, it applies to all forms of the face. In the initial stages it makes sense to repeat it several times in accuracy with the photo. Only after a while you can understand when and where you need to put more or less Highyater.

Take advantage of several tricks for perfect application:

  • The eraser is the main bar, the smaller the remedy, the better.
  • Put the luminiser is not necessary for the echo of the eyelid, but under it. If the traces of fatigue do not pass for a long time in the morning, do not hurry to apply the tool right under the eyelashes, it is incorrect. It is necessary to lay it on the place where the shadow falls from the top light source.
  • Combine highlights with bronzer and sculptors. So you can achieve the perfect result, combining the Dvorovka not only bright areas of the face, but also by the shadows.

Highlatera brushes

Makeup based on the game Light on the face was called "Storbing". The brushes are different from the usual puffs for powder or small brushes for the Rumyan.

  • If your product is liquid and very fluid, then the spontaneity will fit the best way, so you can evenly distribute the highlife on the skin and avoid poorly worked out. Brushes for liquid funds are not suitable.

  • Wrongs of bulk luminisers: and compact, and crumbly, need a brush that narrows to the tip. It is very convenient for work in small areas of the face, for example, the tip of the nose or eyebrow.

  • If you are a lover of cream textures, then you need a brush for a dense tone. It is often applied to her make-up and find it is not at all difficult. But remember that after applying a cream highland, you will have to grow a little longer than when using other textures.

You can choose the desired tool in any cosmetic store, because now there are many probes that are recommended on the skin for a few hours to make the final choice in favor of this or that brand. Do not hurry and do not be afraid to experiment, in this and the key to the perfect Storbing.

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