Compact powder for face how to use

Compact powder for face how to use

There are rules, the observance of which allows the Pudner to become a "second skin", preventing the negative impact of external factors. How to apply a compact powder, and will be discussed in this article.

Features of the means

Compact powder has long eclipsed its predecessor crumbly powdered And it became indispensable for half the female population of the Earth. Her main dignity is convenience and versatility. The crumbly powder is compact with a convenient consistency and a complete set. You can not be afraid that the powder will crumble, and boldly put it in the bag or cosmetic. The main functions of the compact powder is:

  • smoothing the tone of the skin;
  • eliminate fatty shine;
  • creating a velvety and matte surface;
  • fixation of the tonal cream;
  • ultraviolet protection (sunscreen components).

Views of compact powder

When choosing a type of powder, you must be guided by the goal you want to achieve. Each species has its own composition and differences.


The unique properties of powder include the universal composition, which includes salicylic acid, kaolin, zinc and other components. The composition creates an impeccable smooth coating, absorbs excess skin fat, while hides the imperfection of the skin. Indispensable in the summer months.


The main argument in favor of this type of powder is the lack of a mask effect, as when using other types, allowing not to use additional cosmetics. Powder has a light air texture, softness and practically transparent.


The tool has a tonal base attached in the form of powder. It is easily distributed in skin, providing an impeccable effect. According to its properties, it is comparable to a tonal cream. Pros from the acquisition of such a means are obvious - saving money and time.


This powder contains the smallest reflective particles that can add barely catchy radiance on the places where the composition was applied. Thanks to this effect, the skin is easily aligned.

How to choose

Schones of powder copies human face color. The main are: pink, yellow, olive and ivory color. The main task is to determine the type of skin. To the selection you need to approach seriously that the skin color does not look unnatural. Therefore, the nuances should be taken into account:

  1. For fat or combined skin, a matting powder is suitable.
  2. Women with dry skin should not "fear" her use. Samples of modern powder are fatty acids.
  3. Choosing a shade, you can deviate from your tone to the "plus minus one tone".
  4. After forty, it is recommended to use dowels of light shades.

How to apply powdered

If we decided on the view of the powder, proceed to apply. To do this, do this:

  1. Apply the floor to the basis of the cream and do not hurry, wait for the cream to have. If you hurry, the powder will be distributed unevenly. In the summer, the tone of the powder can be used a little darker, and in the winter choose the shade of the turn.
  2. Pooh use as a matting basis before applying cosmetics. Thanks to this trick, makeup holds long and looks clear.
  3. Use for powder volumetric brushes, and use the gun in the zone T to mitigate the gloss.
  4. If you put more means than you need, do not remove it with a cotton swab or a napkin, it is better to blow the surplus with a brush.
  5. Choose a transparent powder if you do not intend to apply a tonal cream. For skin with frequent rashes, powder with antiseptic properties is suitable.
  6. To adjust the facial oval, it is necessary to have different shades of powder. Dark powder helps to highlight cheekbones, and light refreshing face in the eyelids.
  7. Place the powder, starting with the chin line and following the forehead. Check the effectiveness of applying with sunlight.
  8. Try to wash tassels, spontaneity, guns that use.


Compact powders create the most natural makeup. They help hide all minor flaws and align the tone. An indispensable poodle assistants are on the journey, at night with friends or on a business trip - in situations when you cannot use all homemade cosmetics.

Make-up artists do not advise the use of too cheap compact powder, from unknown brands. Be careful when choosing and learn how to properly distribute the facial skin.

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