Powder or tonal cream that choose

Powder or tonal cream that choose

You can estimate the structure and quality of powder or tonal cream after applying to the skin. Given the prices and specific components of the tonal funds, it is necessary to carefully examine the inscriptions on the package before buying. It is recommended to try the tester that will help you better understand what your skin fits - cream or powder. Several useful tips will help you to accept solution.

Illusion flawless beauty

The female face is a business card, the main indicator of the cleanness and wellhold. Properly selected Tonal means It is capable of perfectly align the complexion, give it a healthy look and a matte hue, hide some imperfections. The first thing to be guided by its choice is the skin type.

Combined or normal leather

This type of skin is distinguished by a smooth cover, low percentage of sewage iron, moderate water balance. The skin reacts normally into a tonal means of dry and wet structure. In the summer it is recommended to limit the use of a tone cream. Because of the heat of the pores of the person open, and the production of sebum is rising. Excess fat may disrupt balance. As a result, a rash and greasy shine is formed on the skin. For a combined skin type, you can use powder and cream. As an alternative - cream powder.

Oily skin

Fatty skin is peculiar to the excess selection iron. The face acquires a fat shine and an unhealthy look. On the skin, the particles of dust and sorties are settled, which cause inflammation and rash. The tonal remedy for this type of skin should be dry and absorbed excess the skin. Tonal cream use not It is recommended - pores will be born, and the skin condition will be aggravated. Use the powder and dry the pimples with special skin care products. In the heat minimize the use of decorative cosmetics.

Dry skin

If after washing you feel discomfort and depreciation - You have a dry skin type. The face needs daily nutrition and moisture. The lack of proper care is fraught with early wrinkles. Refuse the powder and give preference to the tonal cream with the effect of moisturizing. Instead of basic basics for makeup, use nutrient face cream after washing.

Tonal or powder

Now you know how to determine what a tonal tool suits the skin of your face. For a general assessment, compare the pros and cons of the tonal cream and powder.


Tonal powder is convenient to use. If necessary, you can always unnoticate makeup, wherever you are. It is eliminated by the likelihood of staining clothes, as it happens with a tone cream with a sharp pressure on the tube. From the disadvantages you can allocate one: not suitable for dry skin type.

Tone cream

A substance consisting of a cream and a matting composition is carefully filling the pores and is evenly distributed over the skin of the face, hiding disadvantages. Properly selected cream color will give the skin noble gloss. Choose high-quality cream more difficult than powder. It is advisable to take advantage of the tester before buying, to change the makeup for several hours, after which it is to evaluate its resistance. From the defects of the cream, it is worth noting: does not fit the fatty skin, it is capable of deeply penetrating into the pores of the face and contribute to the inflammation of the acne rash, inconvenient to use for an invisible makeup correction.

If you do not have obvious problems with the skin of the face, then it is better to have tone cream and powder in the cosmetic. Both means may come in handy at the most unexpected moment. The tone cream is rational to use in front of an important event, and powder imperceptibly refreshing makeup.

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