Winter cream how to choose

Winter cream how to choose

Soon winter, so you need to think about your skin in advance. When the cold winter time comes, our skin needs special care. Under the influence of harsh winds, it begins to crack, peel, and there are a lot of problems. The most negative influence is subject to face and hands, since most often these parts of the body are not protected by clothing. Therefore, the selection of special winter creams for them are fundamental at this time of year.

Why do you need winter cream

Winter is a period when our sebaceous glands reduce their activity and do not protect the skin properly. As a result, the epidermis (outer layer of the skin) becomes almost vulnerable to the action of external factors. The skin of the face and hands begins to blush, weathered, peelings appear, there is sensitivity to infections, and a person can get sick. Because if you do not use winter cream, the skin is deprived of the necessary substances for its normal state.

What cream to use

It is clear that before you go buy any cream, you need to read about him or ask knowledgeable people. But it is not necessary to fully trust with a laudatory reviews, as it is suitable for everyone. What corresponds to another, you may be allergic. It will be best if you apply a little cream to the tip of the nose and look at the result:

  • The correct cream should be absorbed within 10 minutes.
  • After this time, there should be no moisture drops.
  • He should not pull the skin and leave the feeling that the skin is fat.

The composition of winter creams is very important for hand protection for hand and face skin:

  • The composition of the winter cream should include vegetable oils that will form a protective film on the skin, as well as vitamins and other nutrients needed in the cold temperature.
  • For hands, it is good to use the cream well, which includes: glycerin, chamomile, bee wax, cocoa and much more to make the skin elastic and smooth.
  • Special attention should be paid to the winter days when the sun dries the skin. To do this, we use a cream with SPF-filters (sunglasses).

For oily skin type is better to use a cream with a light texture. Professionals suggest using two types - day and night. Day - to protect, and the night - to saturate the skin with vitamins and recovery. Acquire cream safest in specialized pharmacies and shops in the city. Pay attention to the package labeling, which must be specified level of skin protection from the cold.

How to use winter cream

Many people think that applying the cream do not need any special terms and conditions, but it is not. If you really want to protect your skin from the negative cold, you should follow a few tips.


The most vulnerable part of the body, which is hard to protect from nasty weather

  • Use a thin layer of cream you need to clean skin on the hands or face;
  • To put it no later than 30 minutes. before going outside until absorbed;
  • After the walk thoroughly wash off the cream with milk, gel, etc. for your skin type;
  • For washing using cold water;
  • Do not wipe the skin and causes a moisturizer.


Not all winter wear gloves or mittens, because in the winter issue of the protection of hands is always relevant. Here are a few tips on how to enjoy winter hand cream:

  • Soap is best replaced with something more gentle and creamy (which would not sushilo hands);
  • Apply the cream need to clean skin;
  • As well as for persons who use it for 30 minutes. before leaving out and until dry;
  • We begin to apply from the fingertips to the wrists, not missing a space between the fingers and nails.

In addition: use warm baths with beneficial vitamins, regenerating cream, etc.

Winter hands and face need to be very careful care. After all, if the skin is in poor condition, then through the open wound is easy to pick up any infection and sick. Do not forget the aesthetic beauty, it's not only you, but also nice to look around, when the skin is nice and cool.

Comments leave a comment
Arina 12.06.2021 at 18:53

Creme longer needed to nourish the skin, and that's it really was moist and not dried up-it is necessary to take hyaluronic acid. Incidentally evalarovskuyu can advise a dosage of 150 mg. It has proven itself well. I do it is usually in the online store fitomarket ordering convenient. All my friends even advise.


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