Olive Oil for Hands How to Use

Olive Oil for Hands How to Use

From the vegetable oils olive is considered one of the most useful. It has a lot of vitamin E, which rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin. Oleic acid contributes to cell regeneration, which leads to a rapid healing of cracks and wounds. Antioxidants of oil remove harmful substances from the body through skin pores. Such a large amount of utility makes olive oil an indispensable product for cooking home cosmetics.

Using Olive Oil For Hands

For hand care, oil can be added to scrubs, masks, creams, lotions. Well suits the oil for the bath and wrapping of the hands. Below you will find several recipes of all described funds - choose the appropriate.


Scrubs for hands are used to exfoliate old cells. Before applying the scrub, they need to wash with hot water with soap. The applied tool must be distributed on the hands of the "naming" method. The procedure is recommended for 2-3 minutes:

  • Stir one tablespoon of oatmeal and two tablespoons of warm olive oil.
  • Large coffee (2 art. L.) Mix with olive oil (1 tbsp. L.) And honey (1 tbsp. L.).
  • 2 tablespoons of oil pour into a large grinding salt (1 tbsp. L.) And mix to homogeneity.


After using scrub, it is advisable to pamper a mask. Keep anyone on your hands for 20 minutes. Wash off warm, then cold water. Popular recipes:

  • A spoonful of "Hercules" Move on a coffee grinder, mix with spoonful oil and spoon sour cream. The mask is good for dry skin.
  • Distribute 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese on a bowl of 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, add a green tea welding (1 tbsp. L.), Olive oil (1 tbsp. L.), Half lemon zest. The mask has a whitening effect.
  • Raw egg yolk spare for a fork, add three spoons of oil and mix well. The mask pulls the skin on his arms and moisturizes it.
  • Grind the grated carrot - take 2 tablespoons. Pour the oil (1 tbsp. L.) And cream (1 tbsp. L.) We use a mask with cracks and abrasions on your arms.


Home cream store in the refrigerator and no more than ten or twelve days. A longer storage or high temperature will result in the cream to deteriorate - there are no preservatives in it. Melt 50 g of Lanolin on a water bath (buy in a pharmacy), add 2 tablespoons of aloe juice and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix thoroughly and pour into a jar with a wide throat. Give the cream to cool and smear your hands overnight with dry cracked skin.
Buy at the pharmacy oil extract of calendula flowers and take it 1 teaspoon. Pour the extract into a melted bee wax (15 g) and add a teaspoon of glycerin and 10 h. olive oil. The cream softens hands.


Any lotion use when there is no possibility to wash your hands and moisturize them with cream. It may be when working in a garden and garden when there is no water source nearby. Mix the lotion in advance and take a bottle with you. Before applying, the tool shake well so that the oil is distributed in the liquid:

  • 100 ml of boiled chilled water, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  • 100 ml of dairy serum, 2 tablespoons of oil, a few drops of any essential oil.


Hands for hand with olive oil are made to strengthen nails. Heat 100 ml of oil, pour it into a flat cup and lower your fingers in the oil in such a way that the nails are completely immersed in the oil. Keep the bath until you feel the heat of the oil. After the bath, lubricate your hands with oil, put on the cosmetic gloves and give your hands to soak in oil for another 30 minutes.


Wraps for hands are placed when the skin on them is too dry and cracked. In this case, make wrapping instead of a mask after using scrub:

  • Olive oil Mix with lemon juice. First take 10 tablespoons, the second is 4 tablespoons. Thin cotton gloves plunge into the mixture and wet put on their hands. Top with a plastic bag and wrap towel. Keep the mass on your hands for 15 minutes. The skin of the hands after wrapping will become soft, and if there were pigment stains on it, they light themselves.
  • Liquid honey (2 tbsp. L.), Olive oil (4 art. L.), Fat cream (2 art. L.) - Mix the whisk, apply plastic gloves into your arms and dress. After 15 minutes, the hand procedure will become matte and velvety.

If there is olive oil in the house, your hands will always be well-groomed and healthy.

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