Hair garlic how to use

Hair garlic how to use

In a pharmacy or cosmetic store you can get confused by choosing a means for hair recovery. But now the cost of hair care products is not the lowest, therefore, at the peak of popularity, folk remedies. All components for the preparation of healing drugs are at home for each mistress. Pay attention to hair garlic. In this article we will talk about its benefits and open the secrets of the preparation of therapeutic masks and bravery from this spice.

Garlic from hair loss

To do this, soda it on the grater and rub in the roots of the hair. Keep the composition on the head of 40 minutes, and then wash your head shampoo. You can buy in the pharmacy already ready-made garlic extract. They also need to lubricate the scalp. If you do not want to spend money, prepare garlic oil. To do this, clean 5 garlic keys from the husk and cut it with small slices. Warm in a saucepan olive oil and pour them spice. Do not bring oil to boil, it should be warm. Leave the container with a healing composition of 5 days in the refrigerator. After the time expires, strain the liquid and remove pieces of garlic from it. This oil rub in 30 minutes into the scalp to her wash.

Hair garlic how to use

Masks with garlic from baldness

If your hair falls out, do not hurry to acquire expensive drugs. Clean the vegetable from the husk and soda on the grater several teeth. Pass into the kashitz a spoonful of white clay and squeeze the juice of half of the lemon in the mass. Mix all the components and apply to the curls 40 minutes before washing. This composition improves blood circulation and kills fungus. Pretty effective is the mask with garlic and milk. Fill the head of the peeled vegetable glass of milk and boil 10 minutes. All useful substances will be in milk. Apply the composition on the hair and wrap them with a towel. Keep a mask on curls for 20 minutes. After that, wash the champper with shampoo.

Hair garlic how to use

Masks with garlic for hair growth

Grind the head of the spice and pour the spoonful of honey into Kashitz. To enhance the effect, add a spoon of lemon juice. Lock the mixture in the roots, and the residue distribute the hair. Keep this sticky mixture you need 20 minutes. Wash the medicine with warm water with shampoo.

You can prepare a healing oil mixture. To do this, pour a dining room with a tablespoon of garlic oil and as many as many asp. You can add 20 g of olive oil. Throw this fatty mixture in the roots per hour before washing the chapels. She moisturizes the scalp and speeds up hair growth.

Hair strengthening masks

For the preparation of the healing mixture, grind two cloves of garlic and add aloe and 2 yolk juice to it. Apply this viscous mixture to curls. Already after washing, you will find that your hair shines and has a healthy shine. This mask is recommended to do 2-3 times a week.

Hair garlic how to use

To strengthen the hair and cope with oily scalp, prepare a mixture of garlic and sour cream. Grind the spice on the grater and add a stack of sour cream to the tablespoon of this mixture. Mix the tool and apply it on your hair. After 40 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Hair garlic how to use

How to get rid of the smell of garlic

Of course, garlic is a very effective remedy for hair recovery, but it leaves an unpleasant smell. So that the curls smell well after washing the head, rinse it with a solution of vinegar. Just add a tablespoon of vinegar to a liter of warm water. You can add a couple of drops of orange or mirita in water during washing.

Hair garlic how to use

Be sure to try masks with garlic. The result will pleasantly surprise you. At the same time you will spend the minimum of money.

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