Buffen for hair how to use

Buffen for hair how to use

Many do not even realize that the most useful hair products may not be in cosmetic stores and salons, but just grow under their feet. First of all, this concerns such an imperious plant as a burdock, he is also called the buried. It meets everywhere - both along the ordinary road, and right at the entrance of our house. A question is asked why this typical weed is chained so close attention of hair care professionals? And because it is endowed with unique and very useful properties. Consider them in more detail.

Healing properties

An herbal plant is a notable attending tool for our hair. His internal composition collected many necessary chemical elements for teenage care:

  • The root of the burdock is rich in Inulin, which is responsible for the shine and a smooth structure.
  • The presence of moisturizing oils gives hair the effect of lamination and protects against the effects of adverse environmental factors.
  • Special substances are responsible for eliminating the cross section of the hair, and the hair cease to flasham.
  • A small percentage of vegetable alcohol and a tubyl fluid has a complex effect to strengthen the roots, while the hair acquires a magnificent volume, the hair cease to fall out.
  • If you try to taste the source juice, it will be pattering. This means that the antibacterial function is inherent. That is, the decoction from the plant will be a great disinfector. This will help prevent all the inflammatory processes on the scalp.
  • Oddly enough, but the burdock is considered an antidepressant and soothing means. This is evidenced by a large variety of essential oils in its composition.
  • It also presents construction proteins and specific acids that restore the hair structure at the molecular level with the desired fraction of moisturizing.

How to prepare a burdock yourself

If there is a huge desire to take advantage of all the possibilities listed above, you should be armed with several simple rules for the collection of plants:

  1. We are looking for the burdens not preferably in the city, but in the countryside, where there is no heavy industry, polluting air.
  2. The peak of the content of nutrients in the roots of the plant falls on the transition time of the year. Therefore, in the summer, the procedure will become less effective compared to the autumn-spring season.
  3. The main thing in Lopukh is its root, and therefore the focus must be focused on his careful hardened.
  4. Plant is mine and give him a few days to go around and dry.
  5. Grind the root and lay down in a warm place to dry in about a half months.
  6. We spend in a glass or plastic container and can be stored dried plants for up to 2-3 years.

Basics of application

To care for hair, there are several ways to prepare the burdock:

  • Decoction. The dried root roots are brewed with boiling water, and it should be risening her hair after ordinary head washing. This procedure is very useful for painted or melted hair. You can combine with a stray decoction.
  • Infusion. The boiled burdock is for several hours (you can brew at night). Introduce the tever with a liquid and wash it off after 10 minutes.
  • Juice. Fresh burdock root grinding in a meat grinder, wrap in gauze and squeeze the buckle juice. Add olive or almond oil to it. We rub the mixture in the roots of the hair and distribute along the entire length. We wash in 30 minutes with the usual shampoo.
  • Ointment. The decoction mix with melted lard and boil until most of the water evaporates. We give the resulting mass to cool for several hours. We apply similarly as juice.
  • Mask. Usually, without difficulty, you can find on sale by the finished composition of masks with burdock. But cheaper and efficiently will be released mixtures cooked by personnel.

Hair masks

This component is useful to connect with other no less useful products. It is interesting to combine the blade juice with a onion casket and a teaspoon of vodka. The mask of this mixture will be treated and nourished hair, and eliminate the smell of onions will help lemon water. To seal the hair and smoothing the chapels add a couple of pieces of cream oil to a raccane. And if I wanted to keep the cleanliness of the head for a long time, combine the blade juice with egg yolk. All masks are distributed both on the roots and throughout the entire length. Wrapped with a towel and keep around half an hour. Washed off a simple shampoo. The effect will be visible immediately. To maintain it, it is desirable to carry out these procedures at least two times a week.

It turns out, the lops are not so useless plants. It is only necessary to understand the degree of their use and use for the appointment for hair recovery, relying on all the above recommendations.

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Vika 25/11/2018 at 12:37

In Shampoo, Horse Fors is based on oat sals, which I my head, there is a burdock extract and other plants. Hair noticeably began to look better


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