Masks for strengthening hair roots

Masks for strengthening hair roots

Many women are trying to improve the condition of their hair as a whole, but pay little attention to the roots. But it is they who supply nutrients to each hairs. Therefore, it is important to use masks designed to feed and the strength of the roots.

Mask from nettle

Some of the most useful vitamins for hair are A, K, B and S. Shampoos with these components have a fairly high price. But all of them are contained in the speckled juice! Network eliminates almost all hair problems: makes them more durable, levels the structure, eliminates dandruff and speeds up growth. Consider cooking a networker:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. A spoonful of crushed dry leaves of nettle and pour it with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, strain infusion. Tool is ready to use.
  2. Apply the resulting infusion on the roots and all hair. No wash mask required. Use it 1-2 times a week. Treatment lasts 60 days.

Sea salt mask

Sea salt contains many trace elements. It saturates the tissue with the roots of oxygen, normalizes cellular exchange, improves blood circulation. As a result, the roots of the hair becomes strong and elastic. It is worth noting that the naval salt restores the skin-fat balance. Salt mask recipe:

  1. Take 1 yolk, 50 ml of water and kefir, 1 tsp. fine-grained sea salt. Mix these components well and apply them on the roots of the hair. Wrap your head with cellophane and towel.
  2. After 30-60 minutes, the tool can be flush. Use the mask 1-2 times a week. Treatment lasts 30 days.

Mask of rye bread

Black bread pulp feeds hair roots, restores their structure and promotes good growth. Black bread is a source of useful trace elements, amino acids and vitamins of group B, which improve the appearance of the hair and strengthen the roots. Bread Mask Recipe:

  1. Take the quarter of rye bread, remove the flesh out of it, fold it a bit and fill it with boiling water so that the whole surface of the bread is covered. Get the resulting Cashitz for the night.
  2. In the morning you can warm the mask a bit. It can be applied both on the roots and hair. Take the head with cellophane (or film) and a towel.
  3. After an hour, wash the mask. Use it 1-2 times a week. The course lasts 60 days.

Olive oil mask

Olive oil is very useful and nutritious. The beauties of ancient Greece used it for the treatment and growth of hair. For a mask, it is recommended to use unrefined first spin oil - it contains most of all useful substances. In addition to applying hair, olive oil is recommended to be used inside 1 tbsp. l. in a day. After a month of use, the hair will get a healthy shine, will become more durable and will easily fit into the hairstyle. Recipe:

  1. Apply olive oil on the roots and the entire length of the hair. Then wrap the head with cellophane and a towel. After 60 minutes, wash the tool. You will see the result after the first application.
  2. Use the mask 1 time per week for 60 days.


So that the masks worked more effectively, follow the simple rules:

  • Wash your hair with moderately warm water.
  • Use masks only after washing the head. At this time, the hair is cleaned and their luschi is revealed, which allows the useful substances to penetrate the roots and the structure without effort.
  • Remember that applying masks should not be wet, but on wet hair. If there is too much fluid on them, the concentration of the mask will not be the one that it will weaken its effect.
  • Do not comb just woven hair - they are very damaging.
  • Strictly follow the recommendations on the duration of the masks. The excess of useful elements can adversely affect hair.
  • Include more useful food in your diet and once a quarter or half a year. Use vitamin and mineral complexes to increase immunity.
  • Refuse frequent hair curling, drying with a hairdryer, systematic staining and discoloration.

Full care of the labeling includes a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits, the use of masks, use of vitamins and careful attitude towards hair. The masks will certainly improve the condition of the hair, but without fullest care will give only a temporary effect.

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Tanya 22/01/2020 at 17:04

In the pharmacy found a horsepower mask. It strengthens hair due to pepper hood. and moisturizes due to hyaluronic acid

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