Herbs to strengthen hair

Herbs to strengthen hair

When the hair is losing vitality, we are thinking about what means to use to restore their damaged structure. The manifold of cosmetic shampoos and masks, lotions and serum promises to quickly cope with the problem. But it is important to know that along with them there are folk methods for strengthening the chapelurs. The main natural assistants are therapeutic herbs, decractions of which will fill our hair with energy, make durable and silky, and also help get rid of various diseases of the scalp. We study the question more.

Herbs and their properties

The main herbs with natural healing properties can be attributed as follows:

  • Nettle. This is the main component to strengthen the roots and accelerating hair growth. The plant prevents the appearance of dandruff, normalizes the silent balance of the scalp, leads to the capillar tone and vessels.
  • Mint. Excellent disinfector that feeds hair folmers with firming substances. The grass performs the function of a calming agent for hair, purifies from excessive fatty, tones, gives shine. Recommended for use mainly in the summer, since it creates a cool effect.
  • Basil. It accumulates a large amount of mineral elements, carotene, tanning substances that make hair tightness, activate the roots and promote hair growth.
  • Chamomile. Beautiful anti-inflammatory agent for the scalp. It gives a chapel with a natural golden shade, heals all the wounds on the skin and sufficiently moisturizes dry hair. Universal means suitable for any type of hair.
  • Calendula. The effect of this herb is the same as the chamomile. Calendula decoctions give hair freshness and smoothness. The plant relieves irritation, especially useful with different kinds of rash on the skin in the region of the hairproof.
  • Burdock. Lop roots oil - chief assistant in the fight against hair loss. The rapter decoction stimulates growth and maintains a fat content balance in the roots of the chapelurs.
  • Lavender. Removes irritation on all areas of the skin of the head, acts soothing on the nervous system, gives hair elasticity and elasticity.
  • Birch. Birch leaves stop the aging of the skin and purified from contamination of skin pores containing hair bulbs.

Basics of using herbs to strengthen hair

Use herbs as the improvement of curls is simple enough. For this, the following recommendations and order of action will be useful:

  1. We buy the necessary herbs in a pharmacy or shop. They are sold in the form of collecting or separately.
  2. We put water on fire and boil.
  3. Pour herbs with boiling water and give a few hours to laugh and cool. In this case, use enameled dishes.
  4. Fix the infusion through the sieve or gauze.
  5. Pure decoction rinse the hair after washing or make a mask.
  6. After rinsing, it is no longer required to flush the movement of the movement.
  7. The procedure is recommended to do a day or after each head washing.
  8. Keep the infusions can be kept no more than three days and preferably in a cool place.

Homemade recipes

To strengthen hair, it is effective to use not one grass effectively, but at once a few, combining them with other useful ingredients. Consider at the examples.

Chamomile and bay leaf

Take a couple of chamomile tablespoons and four laurel sheets. It will fill them with two glasses of water and boil on fire for about ten minutes. Twice a week should rinse the hair with this means. The procedure can be alternate with another infusion.

Nettle with calendula

In equal proportions, we mix calendula and mint grass. Everyone will be enough on one tablespoon. Pour boiling water for half an hour. Add a bit of olive oil. The mixture lubricate clean hair for forty minutes, then wash off cool water.

Burning with mint

Cook the blade from the roots of the burdock and crushed mint leaves. We add lemon oil and make a mask for ten minutes. After the time, we rinse the chamisture chamomile infusion.


How it turns out to strengthen the hair does not necessarily use expensive cosmetics. It is much more useful and more efficient to use natural substances from different grasses that are easy to prepare at home.

Comments leave a comment
Tanya 25/11/2018 at 11:46.

Herbs are useful for hair. I even had a shampoo bought Horse Fors based on oat surfactants, because There are no sulfates and there are plant extracts

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Anna 22/01/2020 at 16:39

And I have such a shampoo. He strengthens his hair, stimulates their growth. And noticed that after him they became more lively and well maintained

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