The environment with its aggressive factors has a negative impact on hair health. They become fragile, lose volume, fall out. The use of cosmetic drugs and other chemistry is not always permissible. People's medicine will help save the situation. The field of field is used to strengthen hair, hair bulbs and scalp.
Regular rinse of hair and scalp the scalp is the healing effect. The high content of silicic acid has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, restores the structure and promotes growth, gives shine. To strengthen and hair growth, you can use either pharmaceutical means based on horseradish chewing, or prepare it yourself. For the brave of the chewing, take 15 grams of raw materials and pour the glass of boiling water. Depending on the length of the hair, the amount of portion may differ - more or less. Boil on a slow heat of 30-40 minutes, leave it for at least an hour. Cool and strain, decoction is ready.- The field of field can be an allergen, carefully reinfeit to use. When allergic reactions appear, discontinue the use of the tool. It is impossible to use drugs on the basis of field-horsetail pregnant and nursing mothers.
- Apply a decoction without fanaticism. An excessive impact of the beam can harm not only hair, but also the skin of the head, make them dry and tough, provoke the development of skin diseases. After reaching the necessary effect, be sure to take a break.
- Even if on the packaging with shampoo, a balsam, air conditioning is written about the content of the branch of the chewing or manufacture only on a herbal basis, do not forget about other chemical components.
Wheel horsetail decoction - an effective hair care agent. Mixing of different herbs, such as chamomile, calendula, sage, has both soothing and stimulating effects. Take care of your hair and be healthy!