Homemade Hair Masks

Homemade Hair Masks

Lush and thick hair is a gift from nature, you can't argue with genetics. In addition to hereditary factors, on the state of our hair directly affect stress, metabolism, environment and improper care. Even excluding all negative factors, it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect. Salon procedures, special shampoos, expensive masks often do not give results. If the goal is luxurious curls, the best assistant will be masks for lungs of hair.

Rules for applying masks for lungs

To make a selected mask did not reverse effect, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Before applied to the head prepared mask, spend the test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a mixture on a delicate skin area and wait a few minutes. If the reaction does not follow, apply for direct purpose.
  2. The frequency of using masks should not exceed two times a week, a course of up to 20 procedures.
  3. Let's rest your hair and restore time. Repeat the course of masks is worth not earlier than in 2 months.
  4. Before applying the mask on the hair, make a head massage, while driving continue to massage not very skin.
  5. Do not hold the composition longer than the specified time. This leads to addiction, and the mask ceases to bring the desired effect.

Herbs in the preparation of hair masks

The most affordable and always effective ingredient for masks is ordinary medicinal herbs and herbal fees. You can use plants with anti-inflammatory, healing, antiseptic properties. Positive on the skin of the head and hair growth affects chamomile, yarrow, calendula, nettle. Features:

  • Of the dry or fresh feces of grass prepare pre-decoction, let it brew about two hours. For a mask, you will need 50 ml of an outdoor warm infusion, in which it is necessary to dissolve 1 spoonful of honey.
  • In order for the composition to be thicker, egg yolk is added, and for greater efficiency - dry yeast.
  • Such a therapeutic mask is held up to 30 minutes, the course is carried out 3 times a week for two months.
  • When choosing raw materials, be alert: Herbs are better using pharmacy from proven manufacturers, use herbs according to the color of the hair.

2 grass

Equal milk products for helping hair

Milk products are rich in calcium and other vitamins, contain dairy bacteria. Due to its composition, they have a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair, they feed the skin of the head. To prepare masks, you can apply kefir, yogurt, ryazhenka, sour cream and just black milk.

Features of cooking mask:

  • The most famous for its effectiveness can be called kefir-grain composition. For him, rusty bread crumbs, mix from 1 t. L. Henna and fill with any milk product, better kefir. The mask must be broken to frighten the bread pieces.
  • The mask is distributed over the entire length of the hair and the skin of the head, wash off in 40 minutes. It is necessary to get rid of all crumbs in the hair and then rinse with acidic water. Perform once a week.
  • CAUTION: Henna stains her hair, the mask does not fit blondes.

Kefir 2.

Pharmacy drugs

Not in the last place in the struggle for a magnificent hair, pharmacy drugs are also facing. Their pharmacological characteristics and properties make it possible to use them in home cosmetology:

  • Mask with Dimeksid Heals the heads on the head and improves the condition of the hair lows, which improves hair growth. For this, yolk, spoonful of honey and lemon juice, 10 drops of wheat oil are added to the ampoule of dimexide. Keep up to an hour. Therapeutic course - 10 procedures for 1 time per week.
  • The pepper tincture stimulates the blood flow to the skin of the head and the enhanced hair growth. For this simple, but very effective mask need a spoon of tincture and a spoon of castor oil. The mask causes a strong burning sensation, so it is possible to keep for a long time - up to 15 minutes. Cut no more than 1 time per week.


It is not difficult to achieve the thickness of the hair with domestic masks. The main thing is to use them constantly, adhere to the recommendations and do not forget that hair care needs to be carried out in the complex.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 25/11/2018 at 13:04

Oil masks help for lungs of hair. I myself use a blend of oils of Horse Force. In addition to the thickness of the hair, it gives shine hair and well-kept species

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Tanya 22/01/2020 at 17:00

Anna, I have the same blend. Like with him masks to do and still nano it on wet hair after washing the head. And the laying always looks neat, and the hair well-groomed

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