Bread mask

Bread mask

The usual bread that you buy every day to dinner can become your favorite cosmetic agent. If you have never heard about this, then read our article. In it, we will tell you in detail how the bread carries out of her hair.

What hair is useful bread

In bread, the most vitamins of the band are needed to strengthen hair and their intensive growth. These vitamins are very much in black bread, but for hair you can use gray and white. Breadless influence you can wash your head, but it is better to do different masks from it. It is during masks that stay on her hair at least one hour, the curls are drinking with useful substances. The same vitamins and activate the hair onions, and the hair becomes thicker.

In what form in masks used bread

Bread in order to make a mask with it, you must first prepare:

  1. Quarter of the standard Bread Baton Clean the crust.
  2. Many broke into pieces and fold into a bowl.
  3. Fill bread with cold water so that it only covered pieces.
  4. Give bread to breed and sprinkle in water. To do this, leave a bowl alone at least for 2 hours.
  5. Worked bread crumpled scroll between hands or a blender in a blender.

Bread Mask Hair Bread

Mass from black bread even apply roots of hair, and then for the rest of the length. Put a polyethylene cap on the head, and turn on top of the terry towel. Mask for lungs of hair do two or three times a week. Bread and flush with conventional warm water softened with lemon juice.

Mask with bread and lemon from fatty hair

In the opened black bread crumb, add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply a mask as well as in the previous recipe. So that the hair has become less fat, make this mask every other day or every day.

Mask with bread and oil dryness

For dry hair, a mask is suitable in which olive oil will come together with bread. Its on a quarter of a broken Bread Bath Add two tablespoons. Usually dry hair most often come from blondes or gray women - for masks in this case can use white bread.

Mask with bread and shepherd grains for hair strengthening

For this mask, first brew in equal proportions dry chamomile, plantain and sage. On one glass of boiling water take on one tablespoon of herbs. When herbal decoction will be ready and cooled, fill it with bread crumbs. Next, swing the bread for two hours, and then make time masks from it. If you feed your hair with bread and herbs at least once a week, you will feel the result of masks in two months.

Mask with bread and beer for intensive hair growth

For this mask only black bread is suitable, and the beer take the bright. It is in the foam drink that soften the flesh of "Borodino" and then apply this mass on the hair. Keep this energy mixture of two hours, and then rinse with a neutral shampoo.

Mask with bread and kefir from hair loss

Bread soak by a degreased kefir. Since the latter has a high thickness, then instead of two hours, leave the crumb bread in kefir for 4 hours. After that, we have a mass of the blender or wipe through a metal sieve. Mask do as often as possible, you can even every day. Keep it on hair at least one hour.

Mask with bread and other hair ingredients

For this mask, 200 grams of worked ball mix with one egg yolk, a spoonful of honey, a spoon of oil olives and a spoonful of mustard (all spoons take tea). Mask apply on the hair for half an hour, cover the head with a terry towel and to enhance the impact, send a jet of warm air from the hair dryer on the head. In fifteen minutes, wash the mask with water with shampoo. This mask can be recommended as a rapid product that makes hair shiny and silky.

If your home often remains bread after lunch or dinner, then use our advice and take care of your hair. If the bread you eat all, you still do not miss the opportunity to feed your curls with vitamins. Just buy bread a little more so that hair can also try this nutritious and useful product.

Comments leave a comment
Varvara 05/10/2020 at 14:30

I don't really like our mask, but from the care for yourself from the inside I really like marine collagen from Evalar. I always buy him, because I'm confident in quality, and the dosage is good. Previously, the hair flew terribly, the nails were brittle, dry skin .... Now I remember it only with horror, there is no longer anything.

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