Nutritional hair masks at home

Nutritional hair masks at home

Modern world is a series of races. In the daily bustle, we do not even suspect how stress accumulates, because we want to have time and immediately. Such a lifestyle practically excludes the ability to monitor its beauty and health. And our beautiful hair needs regular care and do not tolerate when they neglect. If you do not want to constantly spend money on the salon, then the nutritional masks made at home is an excellent alternative.

Rules for use of nutritional masks

Women of different countries have been made for many years hair medication based on natural products. And even celebrities are not afraid to use such tricks. Food is particularly required by hair, which lost their vitality, became brittle and dry. Mask at home is an absolutely harmless way to give beauty, shine and a healthy eye look. The optimal condition will be used 1-2 times a week 30-40 minutes before washing the head. Depending on the tool, apply on dry or wet hair by massaging movements. Apply along the entire length of growth and immediately after cooking mask. Upon completion of time, the nutrient should be thoroughly washed with warm water and rinse the head shampoo. The most important thing is not to overtake wearing the mask, as it can negatively affect the well-being of the skin and hair.


Consider Popular Mask Recipes for Powering Hair.

Kefir mask

As you can guess, the most important component of this fund is kefir:

  1. To begin with, healing it in the microwave or on the water bath for about 36-37 ° C. It is best to take advantage of a special food thermometer or just rely on your experience.
  2. We apply massaging, smooth movements on the skin and hair. Then we tie your head with a food film and a towel.
  3. Hold the mask for about an hour.
  4. Thorough my head with shampoo.

Mask using castor oil

Ingredients: 1 Tea spoon castor oil, 0.5 glasses of vodka or alcohol, 1 teaspoon dry calendula. Application:

  1. The chopped calendula fill the alcohol base, we leave this solution for 6-7 days, filter through the sieve.
  2. One to one mix the resulting mixture and a teaspoon of castor oil.
  3. We use a mask before washing.
  4. Leave for 20-25 minutes.
  5. We wash carefully.

Mask from Meakty Banana

It will take: banana, 2 spoons of vegetable oil, egg. We bring with the help of a blender to the flesh of a banana to the state of the casis, add to a mixture of yolks from the egg and oil, stir up to a homogeneous mass. Mask rubbing a mask for 30-40 minutes, burst in a towel, then wash off the water with shampoo.

Aloe Mask

For cooking you need: Aloe leaves, 2 cloves of garlic, chicken egg, teaspoon of lemon juice. Features of use:

  1. Grinding aloe, add garlic, yolk, lemon juice to it.
  2. Diligently mix all.
  3. We apply, wrap your head into the film and towel.
  4. We are waiting for 40-50 minutes.
  5. Wash the mask, but without using shampoo.

Lukova mask

To obtain such a nutrient mask, only a few large bulbs will be required:

  1. Grind the purified bow.
  2. From Cashitz, squeeze juice.
  3. We rub the liquid into the head of the head and all over the height of the hair.
  4. Withstand about 1.5-2 hours.
  5. Wash the shampoo solution.

Recipes of domestic nutrient masks There are countless. But already in centuries it has been established that such natural means without the use of chemistry are much effective and, importantly, economical. After such procedures, the hair acquire silkness, softness and healthy appearance.

Comments leave a comment
Vika 26/11/2018 at 15:13

I make masks with a blend of oils Horse Fors 2 times a week. Heat it before applying and carrying under a towel, so that it was warmer, so nutrients are better entered into the skin of the head and roots.

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Rita 22/01/2020 at 17:08

Vika, this blend can still be applied to wet hair after washing the head. The effect is obtained, as from non-sweet

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