Hair Growth Mask with Castor Oil

Hair Growth Mask with Castor Oil

Despite the abundance of various caring products in stores, easily accessible natural products are increasingly used to treat and maintain hair health at home. All you need is patience and a desire to have a luxurious chapel. Castor oil is one of the most popular components for making masks. Many it is immediately associated with eyelashes care, but it is also actively used for hair. You can buy it in every pharmacy at an attractive price, and thanks to my delicate it is very economically spent.

Useful properties of Castorca

Each hair oil used in masks has its own characteristics. Castorp is characterized by a number of advantages over others:

  • Castor oil is considered one of the most effective means for treating dry, lifeless, brittle hair.
  • Due to the active components of the oil, slipping inside the hair onion, the reinforced generation of keratin is provoked. This positively affects hair growth and their density.
  • It has an exceptional moisturizing ability, effectively struggling with dandruff.
  • If it is regularly used, then due to the high concentration of acids, the hair will become silky and soft.

Castor's mask in pure form

First of all, warming up the caster in the water bath. Then massage movements rub it into the skin of the head, we wear a cellophane package or food film, and we fix everything with a warm bath towel. You should leave a mask for about 1.5 hours (the longer you keep the oil on your head, the more noticeable the effect of it). Next, wash off shampoo for fatty hair. This procedure will not be out of the lungs: 3-4 scalp you cannot avoid. For a visible result, this mask should be done regularly - about once a week.

Mask when bald and hair loss

To the teaspoon of the Caster, add one yolk, tea spoons of honey, two teaspoons of any shampoo and juice of one medium bulb. All ingredients are thoroughly stirred and heated in a water bath. We rub your fingers into the head of the head, cover the warm bath towel and wait at least an hour. It is also advised to warm the hair with a hairdryer every 20-30 minutes for a better result. After that, we rinse the hair with warm water. Thanks to the part of the yolk and shampoos, the mask is easily washed off. True, the smell of Luke is with difficulty, but it will have to come up with him, since it is the onion that is the most effective means when losing hair.

Mask, stimulating accelerated hair growth

We mix in equal proportions to the canter with pepper tincture (you can replace with vodka with the addition of burning red pepper). We rub the resulting mask into the skin of the head and wrap in a terry towel. After about 2 hours, you should wash off with shampoo. Mask gives a visible effect only with constant use - at least twice a week.

Mask for shining and thick hair

In equal amounts mix the caster, lemon juice and vodka, rub over the entire length of the hair, wech the food film and a bath towel. Holding a mask is advised so much as long as patience. Next wash with shampoo. The mask is very effective, as the lemon contains vitamin C, the strengthening structure of the hair, and vodka activates the operation of hair follicles due to its warming effect.

Castor oil that is obtained from mite seeds is used in cosmetic and therapeutic purposes since the times of ancient Egypt. It stimulates blood circulation, and thanks to it, with regular use, the hair will soon become thick, silky and long. The article proved that it is not necessary to spend big money for professional medical masks. Let's listen to the experience of the beauties of past generations and make our hair beautiful with the help of the Caster!

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Sasha 22/01/2020 at 16:45.

I'm more approached Mask Horse Force with pepper extract and hyaluronic acid. Hair after her is not dry, grow quickly and become brilliant

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