Mummy for hair growth

Mummy for hair growth

Mumina is a substance formed in the voids of the rocks, it is also called mountain resin. The exact causes of this miraculous substance have not yet been established. The mummy has organic and inorganic components, which allows the use of means in medicine and cosmetology.

Quite often, the mummy is used to treat and restore hair. On its basis make masks, shampoos and lotions. Before buying a mummy shampoo, pay attention to its storage. If it is more than 1 year, it is not worth buying a tool. Masks and therapeutic compositions with mummy are stored for a short time.

Mummy for hair growth

Mummy - inexpensive means from which you can independently make restoring masks. Possessed on healthy hair affects the use of lotion with mountain resin. To do this, cool the boiled water and add 2-3 g mumia. This amount is sufficient to prepare 200 ml of solution. Pour the liquid into the pulverizer and spray it on the hair. Flight the composition in the roots, and after 30 minutes, wash the lotion with a shampoo.

Remember, the mummy must need to flush shampoo, so it is used before washing the head. If your chapelur has become dim, and many split tips have appeared, prepare the restoring composition. Make a decoction from mint leaves and sage, cool and strain it. Dissolve in the brave several grams of mummy and mix. Pour the liquid on dirty hair, cover with cellophane and a towel. Hold the remedy at the strands of 1 hour. Carefully rinse the shampoo.

Mummy for hair growth

If your hair falls out, prepare a honey mask. Warm on a water bath 2-3 tablespoons of honey until it becomes liquid. Add a mining resin tablet into honey 2 and one yolk. Try not to overlay honey, as the yolk can curl. Mix the mix thoroughly and apply on dirty wet strands. Keep on the hair of 20-30 minutes, and then wash your head. You can not use balm and air conditioning after the procedure. Try to wash your head in cool water, as hot will make the roots with fatty.

You can cook therapeutic shampoo for weakened champulus. Dissolve 10 g mumia in 200 ml of ordinary shampoo. It is desirable not to use a cosmetic with Lauril sulfate sodium. Before each application, carefully shake the bottle. Remember, you do not need to prepare the healing agent of the future, so a small bottle of the base is quite enough. This shampoo needs to wash the hair, as usual, it is impossible to keep a substance on the head for more than 2-3 minutes, the aggressive components of the shampoo adversely affect the health of the curls.

Mummy for hair growth

Combine mummies with dummies of medicinal herbs and essential oils. Independently prepared means based on mummy must be used 2-3 times a week. Treatment should be carried out for 1-2 months, until the longer recovery of the chapels. A month later, the therapeutic cycle can be repeated.

Mummy for hair growth

In order to be beautiful, it is not necessary to spend big money. Most often, truly effective drugs can be bought at the pharmacy for "kopecks".

Comments leave a comment
Tanya 27/11/2018 at 12:35

Mumia helps for hair growth. But for greater results, I washed my head shampoo chorse force based on oat surfactants and saw vitamins for hair growth. It has achieved that the hair began to grow for 1 cm per month faster

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Anna 24/01/2020 at 0:53.

Tanya, try their mask tapering. It also stimulates hair growth due to pepper extract.

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