Mumina against stretch marks

Mumina against stretch marks

Many girls in puberty are faced with the problem of stretch marks in the chest area, hips and buttocks. It is quite normal, since these parts of the body due to hormonal restructuring rapidly increase. But what to do with stretch marks, because they look at all aesthetically?

There are many ways to get rid of stretch marks, but there are quite small effectively. In the salon conditions, the skin is subjected to chemical peeling and deep grinding. As a result, the upper balls of the skin are removed, and young skin appears in their place without stretch marks. The cost of the procedure is high, in addition, after some time there will be wounds or irritation on the body. The safest against stretch marks is mummy.

Mumina is a mountain resin, which is successfully used by the healers of Asia in the treatment of all diseases. It is quite effective is the remedy with respect to skin defects. It can be used to treat acne, scars and stretch marks. Many cosmetic companies sell entire series of creams with mummy, but do not hold a lot of hopes on a purchased tool. The shelf life of the cream with mumia is very small, due to the oxidation of the components. As a result, you will smear the skin with the usual moisturizing lotion that cannot cure stretch marks.

It is more efficient to make it yourself to prepare cream from stretch marks with a mountain resin. To do this, purchase a mummy plate on the pharmacy. It is undesirable to use a tablet drug, it dissolves worse. Cap water and cool it. Mummy plate dissolve in a tablespoon of warm water and stir. Do not think that the tool will immediately dissolve. It is better to pre-break the layer on a few pieces. After the cup is only a dark fluid without solid inclusions, you can start mixing ingredients.

To prepare a cream, purchase an inexpensive moisturizing body cream, it is desirable that it be odorless. Pour into the can a dark liquid from the cup and stir carefully. Now add a teaspoon of vitamin E. It can be bought in a bottle or in capsules. Just cut the capsules and pour the content to your miraculous remedy against stretch marks. Remember, stir needed for a long time, since the aqueous solution of the mummy is well mixed with the fatty base of the cream. As a result, the tool will acquire a brown tint and a peculiar smell. Do not worry, the tool should smell badly. This substance needs to lubricate stretch marks twice a day. It is desirable to pre-perform peeling with a scrub. After applying the cream, carefully massage the problem areas, for this you can use a roller massager or silicone balls. This will increase blood flow and accelerate the absorption of beneficial substances.

To make the smell less strong, add several drops of essential oil to the tool. Remember, if you have brightly pronounced cellulite, it is better to drop a little mandarin oil or orange. If there is small damage on the body, add tea tree oil. Having spent quite some money, you will receive an effective remedy against stretch marks.

Mumina against stretch marks

Is it possible to use mumens during pregnancy and breastfeeding? Yes, this substance is absolutely harmless to the future mother, so starting from 3 months of pregnancy, lubricate with a cream with a mummy belly, hips and chest. It is in these places that stretch marks may appear.

Mumina against stretch marks

Do you like pamper yourself? In this case, give up a few mumi tablets into a large powder and mix with ground coffee beans. Add a tablespoon of honey to the mixture. This is an excellent scrub that removes skinny skin particles and fights stretch marks.

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