Jasmine essential oil

Jasmine essential oil

Jasmine - is a plant that has a sensual and rich aroma. The essential oil made from this flower is considered one of the best. Actually it and added to perfumes, aromatic aphrodisiac and used for medical purposes.

Features essential oils

The properties of jasmine oil can be very long talk, but a closer look at the basic qualities of this flower:

  • jasmine fragrance gives a sense of confidence and state of comfort in any situation.
  • Oil flower uplifting, gives energy and optimistic attitude towards life.
  • The fragrance is also developing the imagination, creativity and the desire to be active.
  • Aromatic jasmine oil contributes to the emancipation and agreement between the partners.
  • Ether stimulates loving relationships and leads a person to the feeling of mild euphoria.

In addition to these qualities, jasmine essential oil and as such possesses therapeutic properties:

  • Improves skin condition - making it supple, restores natural color.
  • Relieves insomnia, fatigue and displays out of the doldrums.
  • It relieves muscle tension.
  • It has analgesic and antispasmodic effect.
  • Enhances the lactation process.
  • It is antiseptic.
  • Regulates the menstrual cycle.
  • Normalizes the respiratory system.
  • It promotes hormonal balance adjustment.
  • It stimulates the circulatory system.
  • It improves the functioning of the bladder.
  • Eliminates inflammation, and more.

The use of essential oils

To fill the house the scent of jasmine, you can do so:

  1. Add eight drops of oil into a special spray dispenser.
  2. The same number of drops, spray with water throughout the house.
  3. Drip in a fireplace logs on (lighting up) 16 drops jasmine ester ..

Other embodiments using ether:

  • Add the aromalampu - 2 drops per 5 m2 premises;
  • We use for bath - 5-8 drops;
  • For aroma massage - 3-4 drops per 10 ml of base for massage;
  • We make compresses - 4-5 drops on a glass of warm water.

Today, jasmine oil can be purchased in almost any specialized store or pharmacy - both in its original form and in the dilute. Before using the product, it is necessary to carefully read its composition, method of obtaining and dosing.

Restrictions in use

It is not recommended to use the ether of jasmine women for 1-4 months of pregnancy, persons suffering from hypotension, to those who have allergic reactions to the components of the ether. The oil is used not only for external use, and in the case of intake, it is necessary to be very attentive, as there are additional contraindications. If there are ulcers, gastritis or kidney problems it is better to abandon the venture.

With the help of jasmine essential oil, you can forget for a long time about different diseases. It helps a woman to cope with problems associated with pregnancy and monthly cycle, etc. Thanks to him, man becomes liberated, sociable and cheerful in any company.

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