Geranium essential oil is an aromaprodukt, which since ancient is considered to be a panacea from many diseases. Raw materials for him serves to all of us familiar Geranium or Pelagronia, living on the windowsill almost every home. It is its leaves, flowers and stems after distillation and today are actively used for perfumery, cosmetology, medical and domestic purposes.
Properties and combinability of geranium oil
Geranium Aromamaslo retains the aroma of plants - tart, bitter, with floral notes. The structure of oil liquid, transparent, yellowish-salad color with olive shining in the sun with a tint.
It is perfectly soluble in basic and vegetable oils, well combined with other essential oils (melissa, chamomile, lemon, sandalwood, mint, tea tree, clove, jasmine, lavender, muskus, juniper, cypress).
Composition and action on the body
The oil includes more than a hundred biologically active components, including alcohols and terpenes (geraniol, nerve, a-thermaineol, linalalol, etc.). Due to this, geranium is capable of following effects:
- mental sphere: geranium is a good relaxant and antidepressant, brain stimulant and physical activity;
- cardiovascular system: removing vascular spasms, perfectly copes with headaches, including with migraine, normalizes the heart rhythm, the work of myocardium and pressure;
- respiratory system: Pellargronia oil is considered an indispensable tool for diseases of the throat, ears and nasal cavity;
- hormonal sphere: in his "power" reduce blood glucose levels, normalize the production of hormones, including "love";
- immune system: makes it work in "enhanced" mode;
- leather: It is an excellent tool for wound healing and burns, combating viruses and fungi, normalizing the condition of dry and oily skin.
In addition, geranium oil relieves pain, scares insects and parasites, and also has an anticarcinogenic effect.
Aromatherapy with geranium oil
The aromamaslo from Gerani adequately take the honorable place among the products for aromatherapy, because it helps to cope with many problems in the emotional sphere:
- it sets up on an optimistic wave, relieves anxiety, anxiety and stress;
- i clarifies the mind, "revives" the body (therefore it is especially recommended to use older people);
- restores the inner harmony, including in the intimate sphere;
- raises self-esteem and helps to cope with difficulties.
You can feel all the above effects with the help of aroma lamp with 2-3 drops of oil, the aromaculon with 1 drop or massage with 15 drops per 15 g of the base.
Geranium oil in cosmetology
Geranium aromamaslo is perfectly transferred to the skin, so it is very actively used in cosmetology. In this area, it is especially effective with respect to dry, oily and fading skin. In the first case, it nourishes, in the second - regulates the operation of the sebaceous glands and relieves inflammation, in the third - rejuvenates. Also geranium helps to cope with dandruff and cellulite.
The tool can be introduced into the same finished leaving (1 drop to 15 g bases) or make home masks, creams, lotions with it.
Remedy Remedies with Geranium Oil
We suggest to try how effective the oil of Pellargronia in relation to the skin can be.
Cream for every day
- jojoba oil, avocado, nut - 15 ml;
- rosewood oil, orange - 4 drops;
- geranian, vanilla, jasmine oil - 2 drops.
Preparation: Connect all the ingredients and apply on the face.
Skin Lotion
- geranian, chamomile and orange oil - 6 drops;
- ethyl alcohol - 20 ml;
- distilled water - 180 ml.
Preparation: Mix everything, pour into a dark bottle, wipe the skin, stored in a darkened place.
Baths for problem skin
- lavender oil and radial oil - 4 drops;
- geranium, cedar oil - 2 drops.
Application: Add the composition in 500 ml of hot water and spend the steam procedure for 10-15 minutes.
Treatment with geranium oil
Therapeutic properties of this oil can be used as follows:
- burns, herpes, scars, eczema, lice: moisten a cotton swab in a mixture of any basic and gerane oils (by 5 ml - 2-3 drops, respectively) and apply it to the place of destruction;
- headache: rub the whiskey and the cooler area with a mixture of gerane and main oil (1: 3);
- ear inflammation: Paste your cotton tours, impregnated with a mixture of gerane and base oils (1: 2);
- strengthening gums: Wipe the gums impregnated with a mixture of oils (geranium and base 1: 4) with a cotton disk;
- diseases of the throat: wech the throat with a solution of oil in warm water (2-3 drops per cup) or take it twice a day inside - with honey, jam or jam (dropwise), richly floating in tea with lemon. Can use oil for inhalations, but in the amount of no more than 2 drops on the procedure;
- cuts, burns, frostbite: Lubricate the affected areas of leather with clean oil.
As a base, it is best to use sea buckthorn butter, avocado, jojoba, apricot, almonds, grape or peach bones.
Geranium oil in everyday life
The specific smell of geranium can be effectively used against annoying insects - moths, mosquitoes, flies, etc., which actively used our ancestors. In addition, they believed that the oil from this plant would not let the unclean strength and witches into the house, clean it from negative energy, harmful compounds and carcinogens. Modern bioenergy does not deny the opinions of the ancestors, adding that geranium oil is also a strong stimulator of bioenergy processes. It is recommended to use it and cooks - to give me dishes and drinks of a special fragrance.
Geranium oil has enough useful properties to be in every home and help in many household situations. Just need to remember that its hormonal effects do not allow it to apply it for children, future mothers and women who are protected by oral contraceptives.