Sandala essential oil

Sandala essential oil

Essential oil Sandala - an arrangement of a product that has become mined from chips of sandalwood stem several thousand years ago by steam distillation. It is believed that the age of trees suitable for oil production should be more than thirty years, and they grow only in the southern edges of Asia. The most elite oil oil is made in India, where many years serves as the main means for meditation and various rituals.

Main properties in the field of medicine

Sandalous oil has an extensive spectrum of application in medicine, since its composition includes a unique component - Santalol. In addition to it, oil includes additional natural additives, which has a thick structure and light beige shade.

Denote its most useful properties:

  • The oil is considered one of the best antiseptics, has a bactericidal effect and perfectly relieves inflammation. It is actively used in digestive disorders and diseases of the respiratory system.
  • It is an expectorant means, due to which it is used to treat various viral and infectious diseases, angina, bronchitis.
  • Removes the edema and has a diuretic effect.
  • It leads to the norm of menstrual cycle, increases the potency and libido.
  • It has a sedative and relaxing effect, leads the body into a tone.
  • Inspires on creativity, applied in meditations.
  • Heals headaches, eliminates insomnia.
  • Prevents the appearance of varicose veins, improves blood circulation.

Using sandalwood in cosmetology

Essential sandalwood oil has long been used to rejuvenate and to restore beauty both women and men.

The main tasks that oil solve are such:

  • It helps to get rid of acne rash, normalizes the fatty skin balance of the face.
  • Refreshes and tones the skin, removes wrinkles, struggling with leather flabbiness.
  • He is an excellent humidifier of the dermis, perfectly whiten face.
  • Used for skin in the eye area, because it does not provoke the appearance of irritation.
  • Stops hair loss, strengthens and stimulates their growth. Neutralizes dandruff and warns skin dermatitis.
  • It is added to the cosmetic agent for 2-4 drops to enhance the effect.

Sandalous oil for filling hair with vitamins

If your hair has become fragile, lifeless and sequential, make a mask from the top oil with the addition of the oil of the sandale. Add sandals in the proportion of three drops on the tablespoon of the rapid oil. Keep a mixture for about an hour, then rinse with running water. Your hair will become healthy and shine with a new force.

Sandal oil to strengthen hair

To strengthen the hair, take a rule after washing the heads to make rinsing with the oil of the sandale. To do this, pour three liters of water into the deep container and add thirty droplets of the sandale. Select the amount of water individually under its hair length at the calculation of adding to each liter of ten drops of sandalwood. Lower the hair into the solution and carefully rinse the hair. This procedure will help the hair to grow significantly. Rinse can be combined with combing. Apply three drops of oil on the scallop and comb hair tips. It is advisable to exclude the sandalwood on the skin under the hair.

Dotted oil Sandala

If you need to remove small defects that have arisen on the skin, such as acne, ulcers, boils, use the oil oil as an migratory means. Apply a couple of drops on a cotton wand and give them a place with a defect.

Sandalous oil for oily skin

If you wish to get rid of oily shine, mix a pair of oil droplets sandalwood with jojoba oil and almond oil. Get out gauze and apply on your face. For convenience, use a few pieces of gauze, it will be more convenient to distribute the mask on different areas of the face. Keep a mask for about ten minutes, then rinse your face with water.

Sandal oil for dry skin

To moisturize the skin and make it elastic, perform a mask from egg yolk with a pair of droplets of sandalwood. After applying, keep the mixture of about fifteen minutes and wash the water. Your skin is slightly tightened after the first procedure, and the sensation of the skin will leave you.

So we got acquainted with the main characteristics and properties of sandalwood. Hence it can be concluded that the range of oil capacity is very large and diverse. Therefore, having bought the oil of the sandalwood, use it as extensively as possible.

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