What oil is used for massage

What oil is used for massage

The use of aromatic oils during massage significantly improves its quality and therapeutic effect. This technique also enters the aromatherapy element in the procedure, relaxes or tones, depending on the need. There are various oils on the purpose that will help to effectively relax, recover, improve the condition of the skin or even fight cellulite.

During massage, the oil is used to reduce friction between the hands of a specialist and the visitor's body, reduce possible unpleasant sensations in the event of a problematic or too dry skin. Essential additives are chosen according to their own taste by adding them to cream or lotion. Relax muscles and calm the nervous system of Bergamot, Lavender, Neroli, allow you to easily and firmly sleep - rose, jasmine and chamomile. Ginger and carnations warmed, lemon and rosemary raise the mood, and Lime and Fennel accelerate weight loss. Some flavors are able to cause and strengthen sexual excitement (for example, Vanilla, Sandal, Ylang-Ylang and others).

Massage is preferably 4 hours before sleep at least, since it sometimes, instead of relaxation, an opposite effect occurs - over-use of the nervous system with an excess of energy. Massage oil really cook with your own hands. To do this, a few drops of selected odors are added to the base composition. "Base" usually serve olive or almond oil, as well as jojoba. The second mandatory component is a vegetable decoction or infusion made from chamomile or calendula. You can also pour into a mixture of liquid oil vitamins A-E, purchased at the pharmacy. For the thickness in the resulting substance, wax or lanolin is added.

Massage shop oil is also liquid or viscous. Each of them has its own advantages that should be mentioned. The liquid substance is easier absorbed, it will be better sliding, but it is stronger. Scheduled on the contrary - last longer. However, due to supplements, it is worse absorbed and dirty clothes, if after the massage you have to wear it and go out. The best massage oils are completely organic, do not contain preservatives, artificial flavors or additives. Among the most popular massage mixes of avocado oil, Carite, coconut, rice bran, argan, sesame, peach and grape bones, almond and jojoba.

We give examples of various combinations of oils for all occasions:

  • for relaxation: any citrus, bergamot, lavender, rose, sandalwood, tropherty;
  • to raise forces: Eucalyptus and tea tree, cypress, fennel, black pepper, mint, juniper, rosemary;
  • from stiffness in muscles and for warming: incense, sage, ginger, jasmine, eucalyptus, orange;
  • to combat hangover: Fennel, geranium, juniper, orange, ginger;
  • to improve mood: Bergamot, Mandarin, Cedar, Ylang-Ylang, Rose, Jasmine;
  • christmas smells: Neroli, incense, orange, ginger, palmaroz, mandarin;
  • to preserve calm: Sandal, Neroli, Ladan, Ylang-Ylang.

Massage oils - an indispensable assistant in this process. They are optional to use each time, but must have at their disposal.

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Aleksey32. 12/15/2015 at 11:17

When I was engaged in a massage preferably used the oil ProlongLove Massage well, really good oil

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