Hair Chamomile Oil

Hair Chamomile Oil

Chamomile - Probably the most famous flower combining aesthetics and healing properties. The range of its use captures almost all areas of cosmetology, and you can choose the most convenient form of application of this plant (decoction, infusion, oil, extract). In this article, let's talk about one of the most effective forms - chamomile oil, we will reveal all its edges of the impact on our hair.

Properties of chamomile oil on hair

If you have problems with dandruff and dry scalp, then chamomile oil is your panacea. Due to its hypoallergenic composition (namely, the content of bisabolol and Hamazulene), this oil is able to restore the normal state of the skin, and quite quickly, if used correctly and regularly. In addition, the chamomile oil has excellent regenerating properties, that is, in the ability to return softness and silkiness curls. We also note that this cosmetic product will give your hair a thin summer fragrance and can act as a clarifier.

Commonwealth of chamomile oil with other oils

Despite the fact that chamomile oil itself is a storehouse of hair benefits, his "friendship" with other representatives of essential oils can give an even more significant result. So, the most effective, according to many cosmetologists, are the compositions where the oils of a bitter orange, lavender, roses, bergamot, cypress, rosewood are added to the chamomile oil. Blondes and rules can be used by a tandem of daisy and lemon oils, browns and brunettes - chamomile and rosewood. A composition of the chamomile oil and essential oils of patchouli, mint, juniper, tea tree, eucalyptus based on olive or jojoba oil is considered very effective.

Chamomile oil against hair dryness

To re-breathe life into your hair, treat them with the next oil mixture: chamomile oil - 3 drops, lavender oil - 10 drops, olive oil - 50 ml. At will, you can add more vitamin E, olive oil is replaced with castor, almond or burdens. It is necessary to apply such a mixture on the hair in a heated form for 20-30 minutes (under a polyethylene and towel) to create optimal conditions for the transition of the active components of the mask in the hair onion. There is a simpler way to restore dry hair with chamomile oil - just add it to your shampoo, air conditioning or mask.

Chamomile oil for normal hair

If you do not even have special problems with hair condition, chamomile oil can act as a good feeding for hair onions and significantly improve the appearance of the curls due to the silk structure and gloss. To do this, it is better to use oil masks based on jojoba oil or almond oil, adding 7 drops of chamomile oil to the base. For the owner of dark hair to the mixture, we recommend adding rosemary oil - in this case, you will receive an additional bonus from the procedure in the form of a beautiful hair shade. If you want more gloss and gloss - drip into the oil mixture a couple of geranium oil drops or lavender. No less effectively improves the condition of the hair and masks based on olive or coconut oils, enriched by chamomile oils, lemon, thyme, cedar, cypress.

Chamomile oil consisting of any cosmetic product, including homemade cooking, is a great way to return strength and beauty to your hair. Therefore, we advise you to take it note, and even better - to introduce into your leaving complex on an ongoing basis. How to cook such an oil at home, look at the video.

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