Buckom hair chamomile

Buckom hair chamomile

The most popular plant for beauty hair is chamomile. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or if desired to put at home. Women using chamomile argue that their curls have become stronger and shiny.

In this article, we will look at how the hair is suitable for a chamomile, how to sharpen chamomile and cook a decoction, and then we describe the main recipes and methods of application.

Who comes up. First you need to figure out, for which hair is suitable chamomile decoction. The main properties of the chamomile:

  • Restores dry and thinned hair;
  • Treats dandruff and seborrhea;
  • Gives soft golden shine;
  • Restores damaged or burned head leather (for example, due to a long stay in the sun).

Cut. If you want to put the chamomile yourself, follow next rules. Flowers are preferable to collect at the end of May or early June away from the road. During this period, they are completely revealed. Cut the buds with scissors and fold them in the package, mainly paper. Make sure that the air penetrates there. Thus, they do not rotate and are not covered. Houses make an inspection and select the best colors. Place them on the balcony, pre-upset the newspaper. Make sure there is not too stuffy. Ultraviolet should not fall on the flowers - it can destroy beneficial properties. Stick chamomile with one layer of gauze to protect against dust. When it becomes completely dry, fold it into a cardboard box. Collection can be used during the year.

Cooking bravery. Put 1 tbsp. l. Chamomile in a thermos and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Leave the liquid to appear for 1 hour. Then straighten it. The decoction is ready to use.

Rinsing. Rinse the chamomile decoction hair after washing. Regular procedure will make them noticeably healthier. In addition, they will be beautifully glittered in the sun without the use of special means.

Stick. The next recipe is suitable for people suffering from dandruff or seborrhea. Make a very strong decoction (3 tbsp. Per glass of boiling water). After the filtering, heal gauze. Put it on damaged places and hold on the hair for half an hour.

Mask for light hair. Put 8 tbsp. l. Chamomile colors in thermos and pour 150 ml of boiling water. Then close the fluid in the thermos for half an hour. Straighten it. When the decoction cools, squeeze the juice of half of the lemon and add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The mask must be applied on the roots and all hair, and then rinse off the usual shampoo. If you apply it once a week, dandruff will noticeably disappear, the tips will stop sneaking, and the hair will be glittered and overflowing into the sun. If you have blond hair, the decoction will clarify them by 1-2 tones. But note that the shade will quickly wash and soon the hair will again get their natural color.

Mask for dark and red hair. Put dry flowers of daisies into the glass so that it is filled with them half, and fill them with vodka. Then put the fluid in a dark place for a week. Take 3 tbsp. l. Henna and fill it with 50 ml of boiling water. Two hours later add it to the main infusion. Let the fluid in this form stand another two weeks. When the term is suitable, strain the infusion and apply it to strands. After 30 minutes, wash the shampoo mask. It will not clarify the hair, but will fill them with golden child. But remember that the shade will quickly disappear, especially if you use shampoo daily.

Chamomile solves most of the problems associated with hair. Experts recommend not to neglect this valuable plant and pamper hair with a healing decoction from time to time. Chamomile is completely safe, so you can safely experiment using infusions until you select the optimal recipe and the frequency of use.

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