Scaffolding of nettle for hair how to cook

Scaffolding of nettle for hair how to cook

The main component of the natural beauty of the woman was always shining, strong and silky hair. In the difficult case of the desire for the cultivation of the hair, the decoction of nettle will help you. How to make this healing fluid, we will consider in detail in our article, especially since the complexity of cooking is small.

Selection of raw materials

Find nettle is easy even near the city, but it is better to look for it in proven places.

In nature

If you are going to control the whole process of cooking and want to be sure that the nettle is fresh, you need to assemble her own. Dress textile or rubber gloves and go to the places of growing a burning plant. It is better to collect a nettle sheet and stems in the spring, before flowering, when the juice fills them with vitamins and trace elements, and they did not go into flowers or roots. Collect only intact and bright green nettle. Then cut it with large scissors, decompose to dry on a dressing newspaper. Drying goes during the week. Recreate obtained into a glass, tin or plastic storage container.


In a pharmacy

You can find high-quality raw materials for decoction and in the already dried form. Packaging with a spectacular sheet is sold in pharmacies. When you select this option, find the release date on the pack. Buy Fresh. The leaves retain their heabnium during the year, then even hermetic packaging does not save.

Dried nettle

Hot decoction

Hot hair decoction is prepared by boiling. Here this instruction you need to follow:

  1. Take a large handful of dried nettle (about 40-50 g).
  2. Fill raw boiling water in the amount of the 1st liter.
  3. Put on the slab on a weak fire.
  4. Boil a quarter of an hour.
  5. Perfect, cool.
  6. After that, you can rinse the hair.

Decoration from nettle

Cold decoction

All technology is distinguished from the preparation of a hot variety just in that it is not necessary to keep the liquid to boil on the tile. Leave the measures of grass and water. Leave the same: 40-50 g per 1 liter. Decoration so:

  1. Take nettle;
  2. Fill with steep boiling water;
  3. Leave for 3 hours;
  4. Perfect.

Readiness is checked for the color of the funds. It should be light brown, a small turbidity is allowed.

Nettle in a saucepan

Fresh nettle blade

The most valuable substances are contained in the freshest, just from the forest, nettle. Decoration with her requires a special approach:

  1. Take fresh nettle.
  2. Grind all parts of the stems and leaves in the blender.
  3. Fill boiling water.
  4. Hold on the stove on low heat for 15 minutes.
  5. Use an uncrowned decoction.

Fresh nettle blade

Rinsing rules

The volume of miraculous rinse fluid depends on the length of your hair. A liter can leave for long - a glass. Above the basin, paint the hair, collect it again and repeat until the hair is thoroughly moistened. It is not necessary to wash anything, blot strands well absorbing towel and leave to dry naturally.


Knowing how to prepare a straight decoction for hair, you will achieve the improvement of their condition literally in a couple of weeks with daily regular rinsing. What is especially nice, without expensive services of hairdressers and trichologists in beauty salons, without additional cash spending on advertised, crowded care products.

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