Decoction chamomile for face how to cook

Decoction chamomile for face how to cook

Many women prefer to support the beauty of leather and hair with the help of herbal decoctions and infusions. This is especially relevant in the summer when plants bloom and at this time have the most powerful healing properties. In winter, for herbal decoctions, you can use in advance collected and dried plants. One of the most popular natural cosmetics is a decoction of chamomile pharmacy. How to cook it to get a maximum benefit? Read about it in our article.

Where the chamomile is used

Chamomile flowers are used for:

  • elimination of skin problems;
  • giving a beautiful golden color with light hair;
  • treating certain diseases (female, otolaryngological, gastroenterological, eye).

The positive effect of the plant on the body is associated with the presence of a large number of essential oils and azulene with an anti-inflammatory and bacteriological effect.

Chamomile for face

For the face, the chamomile is used in the form of liquid decoctions or ice cubes made from infusion. And the decoction, and the cubes help to remove inflammation, soothe the skin, make it matte and whiten slightly. Chamomile can also smooth out minor wrinkles, remove swelling and dark circles under the eyes. To make the chamomile branch really coped with any problem, it needs to be done correctly and then applied the same correctly.

Preparing decoction of daisy flowers

For cooking, take only daisy flowers pharmacy. Sadovaya, which has the inflorescences much larger, although it has some healing property, but not least. Collect the pharmacy chamomile in the field or buy the finished dried on any pharmacy. Daek chamomile do this way:

  1. Measure 4 tbsp. l. Dry flowers, put them in the bucket and fill with 1.5 liters of hot water.
  2. Bring to a boil and boil 5 minutes.
  3. Give the champ to cool, and then strain it through the gauze.

Cooking the infusion of daisy flowers

If the decoction is mainly used for external cosmetic procedures, then infusion is taken inside. Preparing it is also quite simple:

  1. Pour in thermos 1 tbsp. l. Chamomile flowers and pour them 1 cup boiling water.
  2. Close the dishes with a lid and insist 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  3. Perfect infusion and take the need.

Infusion can be easily done if for this use chamomile in tea bags.

How to apply decoction chamomile for face

The prepared decoction must be used for two days and store it in the refrigerator. For a person, you can make such herbal procedures:

  • Daily washings. Cool decoction tones and brightens the skin. The face becomes velvety and disappears fat shine.
  • Rubbing. Replaces the use of a face shop tonic. The decoction before use is needed slightly warm.
  • Compresses. Good to remove inflammatory processes and lightening pigment spots.
  • Ice rubbing. Help the skin to smooth out, become an elastic and shining.

Chamomile, if used externally, does not have contraindications. For the face, chamomile decoction can be used daily. Carefully need to be only with the use of ice cubes. They should not make wiping if there is a vascular mesh on his face ( cooperoz). But this caution applies not only to the chamomile cubes, but also to the use of any Ice Cubes for the face.

Homemade Cosmetics for Face Based Based Chamomile

Chamomile decoction can be used for the manufacture of homemade creams, masks and lotions:

  • Lotion for dry skin. Take 100 ml of chamomile beam and mix it with 5 ml of purified glycerol. Wipe face in the morning and in the evening.
  • Lotion for oily skin. In a warm chamomile decoction, prepared from 1 tablespoon and 100 ml of water, add 1 tsp. Flowers of yarrow and pour the mixture into the thermos. Let it brew 5-6 hours, and then strain. Use as needed.
  • Evening lotion for fading skin. Mix 1 cup of beam chamomile with 1 tsp. Triple cologne.
  • Mask for narrowing pores on the face. 0.5 cup of ragger Mix with one whipped egg protein. Apply a mixture on a gauze napkin and impose it on the face. Keep 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.
  • Steam baths. A chamomile decoction is good to use face over the ferry to clean. Prepare a triple portion of the chamomile beam and after boiling it into a deep bowl together in flowers. Wait until the couple cools a little, and then lean over the mission. Stick your head with a towel and take a useful procedure for 5-10 minutes.

Follow the chamomile of the future and, except for the care of the face, use it for weight loss, for the treatment of the throat, for hair care.

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inna 02/23/22021 at 13:42.

My skin has always been a problem ... the rash is some incomprehensible and peeling. I recently went to the beautician, recommended just a decoction of chamomile to rolling my face and necessarily take a triple orega-3 from Evalar. It is her, because it is stronger than usual and the price wins. It is convenient to take-only 1 capsule per day, the packaging is enough for the course. The skin and though it became better ... And from Omega, another advantage was less likely to hurt))


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