Rinse throat Romashka

Rinse throat Romashka

Chamomile is well known for its wonderful healing properties, probably since the creation of the world. And nowadays it is one of the most popular medicinal plants on a global scale. It includes the mass of useful elements: organic and kumarins, essential oils and vitamins, glycosides and polysaccharides, as well as many others. However, we are most interested in its active use in the treatment of angina and the syndromes associated with it. Therefore, it will be more about how to brew a chamomile and how to apply the resulting decoction.

Option first. If you have only primary signs of illness: "wet eyes, sneezing, or a light" dry "cough, then you can use the following recipe:

  • one tablespoon of thoroughly dried chamomile flowers pour the glass of "good" boiling water;
  • the resulting liquid insist until its complete cooling;
  • next, it is strained after it is checked up - 3 times a day, every 3-4 hours, using a third of a glass, but longer "Bulthate".

Option second. If your cold has reached such a stage, when the throat is seriously transfers or even hurts, then prepare the next decoction:

  • one tablespoon of well-dried herb pour the "steep" boiling water;
  • wait at least 20 minutes so that the saving medicine is implant;
  • next, wechit the throat every 2-3 hours, that is, 4-5 times a day (part of the beam can be applied inside).

The variant is the third. If the doctor has already diagnosed with "Angina", in addition to the tablets, the folk remedies can be actively used, one of which is the following decoction:

  • dial one tablespoon that the chamomile baskets and pour it with a glass of ordinary cold water;
  • literally at the tip of the knife "hooked" a handful of boric acid, that is, quite a little bit and add it to the glass;
  • the resulting "potion" is well tailored on a very "slow" fire for at least 5 minutes;
  • next, straighten the decoction, cool it out and get the throat.

And finally, is it possible to rinse the throat during pregnancy? The question is, of course, controversial, as on the packaging "pharmaceutical chamomile" it is usually written that this drug should not be used in these cases. This is explained by the fact that in the early period of pregnancy, the use of any braveraging from this healing plant inside may cause an increase in the tone of the uterus, which is even fraught with the threat of miscarriage or premature birth. But note that the doctors prohibit exactly drinking chamomile, but rinse the throat with a strong angina is not reborn. Since the chamomile has only a local effect (anti-inflammatory, painful and antiseptic). But an extra consultation from a doctor, of course, does not hurt.

As you probably, they themselves understood - the chamomile can be called a truly magical gift of mother-nature. It is applied against the cold already for centuries (from the times of ancient Greece and powerful Rome). Yes, and not only against it - it has long been known that chamomile has a fairly volumetric list of unsurpassed healing features. If you are healthy, it can also be very useful, for example, to find out, loves or does not love you "object" to which you are so unfair ...

Comments leave a comment
Victoria 10/10/2016 at 21:24

I do not like rinsing. Patient throat leaving an antiseptic Lizobakt. The main thing is to dissolve a carefully tablet until completely dissolving. 2 tab 3-4 times a day, a course of treatment for 8 days. It works well against harmful bacteria.

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Anna 07/16/2019 at 12:00

For rinsing the throat, using the yodangine powder with chamomile extract and calendula. It is easy to breed, rinse it takes every 3 hours. And the throat with such rinsing passes quickly

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    Ksenia 08/28/2019 at 17:56.

    and this powder is expensive? Chamomile with calendula is good, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties

    To answer
      Anna 10/09/2019 at 10:34

      It costs about 150 rubles, quite inexpensive. Cochene, the price depends on what pharmacy to buy.

      To answer
Zina 11/11/2019 at 17:12

Rinsing is not enough, unfortunately. In order to speed up the process of recovery and in the future, do not pick up the infection once again, the immunity of the mucous membranes increase. I am absorbed for this orvis lysozyme when I pain. Well, the rinsing is already an additional one. Only such a comprehensive approach and helps to get rid of sore throat))

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Anastasia 10/02/2020 at 19:53

I, too, most often a chamomile rinse, helps perfectly. But besides the rinse, Lizobakt is absorbed. It helps faster to make amendment, and, thanks to Lizozyme, treatment with it is natural.

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