Hurt to swallow than to treat

Hurt to swallow than to treat

Most often, the pain in the throat requires professional treatment. But if you are completely sure that there is no serious reason to flee to the doctor, then you can refer to folk methods. Let's find out how to treat sore throat.


The most famous method of treating pain in the throat with an apple vinegar: Take apple vinegar - 1 tablespoon, mix also with a complete tablespoon of honey and then add 200 ml of hot water. Well, stir up to allow honey to completely dissolve, leave for some time to cool and drink small sips. Do not forget that for the sore throat it is categorically impossible to use hot drinks. The same solution can be used as a means for rinsing the throat.


Cocktail from Khrena

Stren, honey and carnation, taken on 1 teaspoon, poured with a glass of warm water. This mixture needs to drink slow sips, not forgetting all the time to stir so that hell do not have time to fall into the sediment. If it is very difficult to swallow, or you do not like the taste of a cocktail, then the resulting mixture can be used for rinsing.



Take 1 lemon, cut it on the slices, and then divide once again on halves. Fresh ginger Sattail on the grater, while try to save juice. In the glass container, put half of the portion of the lemon and the teaspoon of ginger. Fill with honey and stir the spoon until the honey fell between lemon slices. Repeat the procedure for the remaining parts of the lemon and ginger. Close the capacitance with a lid and give it up approximately 3-4 hours. This tasty medicine can be taken without restrictions. Instead of lemon, you can use lime, orange.


Steam bath

Very well removes the pain in the throat old proven method - steam bath. We boil 2-3 glasses of water, it is desirable to add chamomile in it. The resulting decoction pour into a wide vesion, cover the towel and breathe as long as possible with pairs. Relief comes almost immediately, but for short time, so the procedure should be repeated quite often throughout the day. Each time it will become easier, the pain will gradually pass. If you are hard to breathe over the ferry in such a way, it is possible to somewhat modified. To do this, hot decoction break into the boiler kettle and breathe above the nose. Inhale you need to melt, but exhaled with your nose. In addition to the chamomile, there is a good effect of eucalyptus, rosemary.

Mixture of sea salt and water

Of course, ideally, it is better to use sea water, but it is possible to cook it in the absence of it yourself. Take 1 tsp. Sea salt, which is sold in each pharmacy, and dissolve in a glass of warm water. The resulting solution is made of the throat 3-4 times a day. Also from a glass of sea salt and 5 tablespoons of warm water can be cooked compress for a sore throat. Wrap the resulting mixture in cellophane, and over the top wrap with a dry soft towel. Keep the resulting compress on the throat as long as possible, as far as your patience is enough.


Compress from Romashki.

1 tablespoon of dry flowers chamomile cast in a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes. After the welding cool down a little, wet the towel in it and wrap the throat. It is important to ensure that the compress is not very cool, constantly changing it to fresh.


Have a nice health! Do not tolerate the sore throat, get rid of it soon!

Comments leave a comment
Katia 03/12/2017 at 21:44.

Excellent recipes. I can also recommend to treat the throat of lizobakt. Since it definitely does not mask pain, but acts on its cause. I have already checked for yourself.


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