How to treat an angina in a child

How to treat an angina in a child

Angina (tonsillitis) - painful and very unpleasant disease caused by bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Normally, the immune system restrains the development of pathogenic organisms, but at the slightest decrease in local immunity, which can be caused by stress, supercooling, cold - bacterium begins to massively progress and characteristic signs of angina appear:

  • In the first phase, the throat pain is observed, an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees, easy malaise, weakness, headaches, an increase in lymph nodes. With visual inspection, a small swelling and an increase in almonds, swelling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cutters and a soft sky is visible. With timely treatment, the disease passes after 2-3 days.
  • In the second phase there is a deeper lesion of almonds, there is a significant increase, redness, a small white flare appears. The temperature can rise to 39-40 degrees, there is pain in the muscles, joints, head. The kid has no appetite, vomiting begins.
  • In the third stage (follicular), the throat is completely covered with pus, mucus, the baby begins fever, sweating increases, the high temperature ceases to respond to antipyretic agents. In this case, it is necessary to immediately cause ambulance.

How to treat an angina in a child

Cerencing the angina in the first and second phase at home. In order to quickly cope with the disease, to treatment, it is necessary to approach the complex - to enter the diet, the desired mode of the day, connect drugs, ensure regular ventilation of the room, follow the cleanliness and freshness of bed linen. And, of course, when the first disturbing symptoms appear, to immediately cause a doctor to the house.

How to treat an angina in a child - mode and food

In the first 2-3 days, try to protect the child from the experiences and provide him with bedding. As he recovered, the mode can be softened, but it is better to give up to the full disappearance of the ailment. Bathing and washed under the warm soul, and only during the lack of temperature. Also prepare the baby dishes and drinks that will help him in recovery:

  • Liquid porridges, broths, pürated products.
  • Milk with mineral water, Kiere, tea with lemon or raspberry.
  • Fruits, compotes from rosehip, cranberries, lingers, sea buckthorn.
  • Exclude from the diet to sharp, hard, fatty, hot food.

How to treat an angina in a child - rinsing

Thanks to this simple procedure, the almonds are gently removed from the almond surface, the mucus, in addition, the home solutions will have a restoring and disinfecting effect. For rinsing throats, you can use:

  • Soda or salt - 1 teaspoon of the product solubinate in a glass of warm water. Rinse the throat is needed at least 5 times a day.
  • Manganese and iodine - add a pair of manganese granules to the liter of boiled water and 3-4 drops of iodine. The solution gently remove pain and inflammation. There will be enough 3-4 rinsing per day.
  • Furacilin is a tablet of the drug pre-grind, after which they dissolve boiling water in a glass. Carrying should be carried out only with a warm solution, not less than 3 times per day.
  • Infusion of Sage, Propolis, Hypericum, Pharmacy Chamomile - In addition to treating, strengthens the immune system of the baby and heals the rings on the mucous membrane. Make the grass according to the attached instructions for the drug.

If your baby is over 5 years old, you can use absorbing tablets, such as - "Lizobakt", "Antiangin Formula", "Hexoral Tab", "Strepsils" and others.

How to treat an angina in a child - antipyretic drugs

Tonsillitis differs from all other diseases of the throat with a constant high temperature, so that without antipyretic means you can not do. Quickly cope with heat such drugs like - "ibuprofen", "Panadol", 1/4 Paracetamol tablets.

  • Doctors are extremely recommended to shoot down the temperature to 38 degrees. It is believed that at this time the body produces antibodies that are struggling with an ailment independently.
  • For infants it is better to use rectal candles.

Also bring down the temperature will help you wiping with water with the addition of vinegar, herbs or vodka. The main thing is not to Kunt the baby, it should be dressed in lightweight cotton clothes.

How to treat an angina in a child - medicines

Dosage of drugs and methods of their use are prescribed only by a pediatrician after the patient inspection. However, medicines, localizing symptoms during the waiting period of a specialist:

  • Antihistamines are prescribed to avoid swelling of the larynx - "Zirtek", "ketotifen", "Supratin", "Zetrin", "phenyatil".
  • Antibiotics are mandatory in use with bacterial angina - "ampicillin", "Flexin Solutab", "Amoxiclav".
  • Sprays - are used in conjunction in antibiotics, as an antimicrobial agent - "Hxoral", "Inhalipte", "Lugol", "Miramistin", "Akalor", "Chlorophyllipt".
  • Vitamins to strengthen the protective functions of the immune system - "Immunal", "Multi -tabs", "Alphabet", "Peak".

Angina is an infectious disease and has the ways of transmission - contact-household and air-droplege. Therefore, so as not to infect in the house of other children, give a patient to the baby separate dishes, towel and toys.

Comments leave a comment
Elina 23/10/2020 at 6:30

And in the spring of angina robbed, the child terribly suffered, well, with him. Alas, due to illness, immunity is very weakened, the doctor immediately focused on this. Upon his advice bought on the of Evalarov Bears with vitamin D3. This is a wonderful thing to strengthen the immune system.


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