How to treat chronic prostatitis

How to treat chronic prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the prostate gland. The reason for the increase in this part of the sexual system can be bacteria, but in most cases the urologist does not find any infections, such a prostatitis is called abacterial.

Most often, a man does not know about his illness, since painful sensations rarely arise. Diagnostic disease during infertility surveys or in an acute course of illness is diagnosed. At the same time, the prostate gland is inflated to such sizes, which shifts the urethra. In this regard, the man hurts to go to the toilet in a small one.

How to treat chronic prostatitis

In 50% of men, patients with prostatitis, detect infertility. The fact is that due to increasing the prostate gland, the number of secrets (mucus) in which spermatozoa live is significantly reduced. In addition, it is possible to increase the pH value of sperm, which adversely affects the mobility of spermatozoa. This medium leads to a decrease in sperm mobility and can cause their death. In this case, treatment is aimed at an increase in the amount of mucus and reducing the level of pH. Beneficially affect the quality of sperm medicinal drugs, Trental, Actovegin. They improve the bloodstream inside the gland and reduce the congestion processes to zero.

Folk medicine is also successfully fighting chronic prostatitis. To prepare the medicine, grind pumpkin seeds in a coffee grinder and mix them with honey. Shot from the bulk mass and take them 2 times a day. Store the substance in the refrigerator.

How to treat chronic prostatitis

When a bacterial prostatitis is detected, it is necessary to cure infection. Typically, the cause of the ailment becomes chlamydia, trichomonas and even an intestinal wand. To detect infection, a man must hand over the scraping from the cervical canal. After identifying the causative agent of the disease, the ultrasound appoints antibiotics to which pathogenic microorganisms are sensitive. The universal antibiotic does not exist, the medicine is selected in each case individually.

How to treat chronic prostatitis

With a abiotic prostate man, physiotherapy is recommended. Beneficially affected by the prostate gland bath with herbal champs, as well as dirt. You can go to the resort for treating ozokerite and mud. Positive dynamics is noted during the treatment of a manual therapist. With chronic prostatitis, it is preferably less time to spend in a sitting position, so you will reduce the migration of the veins and vessels that supply genitals with blood.

How to treat chronic prostatitis

Reduce the number of relapses can be reduced using moderate physical exertion. It is worth abandoning cycling and horseback. Be sure to conduct a regular sex life, as a result of this, the contents of the seed canal will be constantly updated. You can not allow supercooling and tugging the scrotum. It is necessary to abandon the socks of elastic melting, which turn the testicles. Purchase "boxers" or "family" panties.

How to treat chronic prostatitis

If you do not have a permanent sexual partner, while using condoms during sex. Even ordinary thrush or intestinal wand can provoke a recurrence of chronic prostatitis.

Comments leave a comment
Andrey 03/31/12 at 1:07.

Prostatitis must be treated by the doctor and in no case do not engage in self-medication. Agree?

Peter 10/04/2019 at 9:43.

Andrei, of course. Many wives are treated, the Internet begin and forward ((but I, too, against self-treatment, especially if there is a chronic form and there are exacerbations, only for a doctor. I myself suffer from this disease, last month was literally at the reception at the doctor. This time he Not only the antibiotic appointed me, but also a likoprofit. At home I read about the composition of these capsules and realized that the doctor was right. The components of this complex as a whole affect the male organism, reduce inflammation and pain.

Ivan. 10/11/2019 at 2:05.

Prostatitis can even affect the ability to conceive a child, that is, the man may be infertility. Careful with this disease.

Evgeny N. 11/11/2019 at 1:00

Yes, Ivan, you are absolutely right. It is because of chronic prostatitis and I have been reduced by the indicators in the spermogram, good, but I was not very much, but I took the Bestraftter then, I strictly followed the nutrition, all the bad habits were overgrown. All of course went good, it became better to feel it, look, but the most important thing is that the wife got pregnant!

Oleg 15/12/2021 at 13:41

Chronic ones and chronic ... It's not that simple. But I was helped by the fact that the prostate massage began to practice, I went to physiothereders and the doctor also took the doctor to the doctor of the Prostate Forte. It is good because the composition is natural and also Pigaum African and pumpkin seeds contribute to the removal of inflammation, which is just necessary in this matter.


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